12:51 Lyrics
Your friend told you 'cause I told her
Friday nights have been lonely
Change your plans and then phone me
Fuck goin' to that party
Oh really, you're folks are away now?
Alright, lets go, you convinced me
Found the words I sought
Is it this stage I want?
Oh we were tense for sure
But we was confident
I won't try to control you
Friday nights have been lonely
Take it slow but don't warn me
Then we’d go to some party
Oh really your folks are away now?
Alright I'm coming
Ill be right there.

This song is about more then just having sex for the first time. Sure, 12:51 is the time it happen, but in my opinion, there's more to the lyrics then just doing it.
It's about an older guy who is falling in love or has taken an interest in dating a younger girl. I'm guessing the girl is around 18, 19 years of age, but is still living with her parents ('Oh really, your folks are away now? Alright, let's go, you convinced me') while he is around early to mid-twenties tops. ('We could go and get 40's, Fuck goin to that party').
'12:51 is the time my voice Found the words I sought... Is it this stage I want?'
He's asking himself if he should do this, if he should pursue this relationship and take things further. He knows that if he has sex with her, they'll be entering a new stage in their relationship. Then he talks about how the world is 'shutting down on them' (parents not allowing it, friends against it, etc.) and that it's intense, sure; but they were/are confident in what they did and their relationship.
On the next lines, he's saying, 'hey I'm older, but I'm not going to control you or pressure you into anything'. Even though he's sightly older, he's reassuring her that he's not going to push anything on her, he'll let her make her own decisions and choices. The he tells her to take things slow on him, because he's new to the experience of dating someone a little younger (or dating someone he really likes) but he doesn't want her to 'warn him' because he wants to learn and make his own decisions as well on his own. (He doesn't want warning sings or worry about the relationship, he just want to enjoy it despite anything.)
At the end, it seems their relationship will work, but they know they are taking a risk on it. They are going to make the best of it no matter what happens and just have fun.
This is my opinion about the song, but on a lighter note: I LOVE the beat of the song! It's a shame it's only around 2 minutes with 30 seconds, wish it was longer! So catchy, probably one of my top 5 from the Strokes. :)
2 minutes and 30 seconds you say. 2 minutues and 30 seconds to get it up and out. 2 minutues and 30 seconds to pump the chest and feel like a man 'cause she's a mere child. Man, if she's still living with her parents and you have to sneak around, she's too young! Why are some of you men absolute shallow pigs. Nope, not a question. Yup, I don't give a rat's ass if you like my opinion. Go pork someone your own age and leave our big babies alone to mature before you warp their growing minds and bodies. Crap.
2 minutes and 30 seconds you say. 2 minutues and 30 seconds to get it up and out. 2 minutues and 30 seconds to pump the chest and feel like a man 'cause she's a mere child. Man, if she's still living with her parents and you have to sneak around, she's too young! Why are some of you men absolute shallow pigs. Nope, not a question. Yup, I don't give a rat's ass if you like my opinion. Go pork someone your own age and leave our big babies alone to mature before you warp their growing minds and bodies. Crap.

Julian said it was about "the moment right before you fuck".

hahahaha how does anyone not know what 40s are??

Well, I didn't know what a 40 was until just now. Could it be that >>>it's a term used only in the US, and expecting the rest of the world >>>to understand is typical American arrogance?
Yep, in case you didn't notice, the Strokes are American. Are they supposed to sing only worldly phrases that everyone knows?? If you want to understand english lyrics by a band from the USA , then yes it helps to know a little American slang...

Room on Fire is the arc of a relationship. In the first song, she breaks up with him and it crushes him. After breaking off contact with her altogether in the third song, 12:51 comes a little ways down the line. This is the beginning of them getting back together, with him saying he's older, more mature, and more relaxed. The rest of the songs on the album continue the story, with him realizing that he really doesn't like her all that much, and had just built her up in his mind and fell in love with the concept of her.
exactly what i was thinking!
exactly what i was thinking!

Wow. That was not supposed to post that many times.
I'm so sorry.

Well, I didn't know what a 40 was until just now. Could it be that it's a term used only in the US, and expecting the rest of the world to understand is typical American arrogance?
Those who think this is purely a song about partying are wrong. There's a deep and affecting sense of melancholy at its centre, and it is perhaps about looking back on a good time, like other songs by the Strokes (in many ways, we'll miss the good old days, some day). Fridays have been lonely, he could go out and get drunk, but he doesn't really want to, he wants to get off with a girl whose parents are away instead. But it's not a happy song. It's about loneliness despite sex and drinking. Anyone who doesn't understand that is just not listening properly.
So you're saying there has never been a musician from a country other than America that's used slang native to their homeland in a song? I don't believe Julian Casablancas threw that line in this song in out of arrogance, I think he put it in there because it fit with the song. It's not his fault you're uncultured.
So you're saying there has never been a musician from a country other than America that's used slang native to their homeland in a song? I don't believe Julian Casablancas threw that line in this song in out of arrogance, I think he put it in there because it fit with the song. It's not his fault you're uncultured.
Pretty sure @ntwjones was responding to a commenter who said "hahaha how does anyone know what 40s are?", not to Julian Casablancas himself, lol.
Pretty sure @ntwjones was responding to a commenter who said "hahaha how does anyone know what 40s are?", not to Julian Casablancas himself, lol.
Also agree with my mate ntwjones that it's a bit melancholic. But it's still a love song.
Also agree with my mate ntwjones that it's a bit melancholic. But it's still a love song.

kiss me now that im older. best line? i think so

I think it's about a guy that liked a girl at a younger age and things didnt really fly so now theyre older (talk to me now, im older) and hes getting back together with her and from then on, pretty much about what all the other posts have said.

When I first heard this song I figured it was just about getting drunk and trying to get laid when your in high school. But I started thinking(maybe even over thinking) about the song and couldn't just accept that this really great song that has such depth in it's music had such shallow lyrics.
My personal interpretation of the lyrics is that Julian is trying to comment on the fickleness of change and the futileness of trying to change one's behavior. The beginning of the song lays the groundwork for the singer's pushy relationship with his potential lover. The singer is emotionally reckless and very depressed I think. He thinks that getting drunk and having sex with this girl he has been longing for will change the way he feels about his life. This leads to some sort of epiphany for the singer right before he and his girl have sex.( This is 12:51... part)
But after this the song resets itself into the same place it started both musically and lyrically. Only difference is that singer is more considerate of his girlfriend's plans and feelings in this verse. The song ends with Julian flatly and unemotionally singing the same lines he did before his life outlook changing sex. He is still going out and getting drunk of 40s and having sex with his girlfriend in her parents house. Nothing has changed for him despite his change in behavior.
But this is Julian Casablancas' lyrics were talking about so nawwww this song is about getting drunk and trying to get laid in high school.