Low Lyrics
Here's what Dave said the song is about
"It's about two people getting together because they realise they have more fun fucking each other than anyone else."
could be about a drud habit, the singer represents the drug...Drugs will take you low as you go...
One of the best songs on One By One, love the guitar
to me it's like someone taking advantage of someone else, hence the "taking you as low as you'll go" part. And he keeps saying he loves her just to get her "low".
This song is amazing; one of the best on "One By One".
When I saw them (and on the live DVD) Dave said this song is about wearing thongs and other items of female clothing... so who knows? Apparently he likes to wear a thong (think of the video!)
it's not about men wearing female clothing, he and jack black just dressed up in female stuff in the music video.
it's not about men wearing female clothing, he and jack black just dressed up in female stuff in the music video.
this song rocks!
...well, the video is of Dave and Jack Black in various homoerotic redneck actions.
Yeah he mentioned thongs when i saw him live woo! If it is about thongs ... something lodged up your crack has never sounded so great! :)
i dont like this song, i'd say its the worst off the album. but thats just my opinion. thongs? huh?