Maybe You'll Be There Lyrics
Just like a fool I stop and stare
It's really not the proper thing to do
But maybe you'll be there
I go out walking after midnight
Along the lonely thoroughfare
It's not the time or place
To look for you
But maybe you'll be there
You said your arms would always hold me
You said you lips were mine alone to kiss
Now after all those things you told me
How can it end like this
Someday if all my prayers are answered
I'll hear a footstep on the stair
With anxious heart
I'll hurry to the door
And maybe you'll
Be there

this song reminds me a lot of my crush, whom i had zero courage to talk to, then of course he left and i never got to see him again. So now everywhere i go, i look for his face, even when i am on the other side of the world. im not a fan of diana and i think she sounds like a man when shes not singing, but this song gets me every single time. esp the line "Each time I see a crowd of people Just like a fool I stop and stare It's really not the proper thing to do But maybe you'll be there"
hope is important

Oh my...I downloaded this song the first time I broke up with my boyfriend, I've only just rediscovered it after we've broken up again...don't you hate how songs remind you of makes so much of your music collection unbearable to listen to.