28 Meanings
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Little Green Men Lyrics

Out of the playground's ashes
Come little men, with little games
They're playing war, they're planning new crusades, like new arcades.
The reigns before the season is, to flood the media
With suicidal MANIA
Let's paint this landscape with this human waste!

So let's all sing, sing a song of love (sing sing, sing sing)
Sing until our throats bleed
(And if this child could sing, he would say)
I don't need anybody, I don't need anyone
I don't need your guidance home woah, WOAH WOAH!

History, sustains for reruns
For 3 A.M. insomniacs
Who quote the episode
"If tricycles came with guns, we'd all be safe"
Little green men, didn't come from outer space.
With coupons in the Sunday paper, they came from coporate brains

So let's all sing, sing a song of love (sing sing, sing sing)
Sing until our throats bleed
(And if this child could sing, he would say)
I don't need anybody, I don't need anyone
I don't need your guidance oh woah, WOAH WOAH!

Watch as I build an empire, watch as I rise and fall
Watch as, I fight all alone woah, woah woah!

So until we all confess, admit we stole the candy
These little men are playing games from here to eternity
But I'll be standing by myself, here waiting oh so patiently
Waiting for the sky to fall and PURGE THIS FRAIL HUMANITY!

So let's all sing, sing a song of love (sing sing, sing sing)
And we'll pretend we're not to blame
Let's all sing, sing a song of love (And if this child could sing, sing sing)
Sing until our throats bleed!
(And if this child could sing, he would say)
I don't need anybody, I don't need anyone
I don't need your guidance home woah, WOAH WOAH!

Watch as I build an empire, watch as I rise and fall
Watch as, I fight all alone woah, woah woah!

Mmmm, thats good project!
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28 Meanings

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Cover art for Little Green Men lyrics by Project 86

Okay- what does this song MEAN? Here's my take: It's not about government, per se (at least, not the front that our US government puts up) but is instead a smack back at the corporation, the leaders of our society who are trying (consciously or subconsciously) to manipulate us and make us all into exactly the mindless herd that will buy and sell whatever they feed us. Hence, "and if this child could sing he would say ' I dont need anybody, i dont need anyone, i dont need your guidance home'"

To me, it also speaks of religion (as P86 at least got their start on a 'christian' record label, toothandnail.com or one of it's subsidaries) In many ways, imho, many religions will do the same thing, try to make people believe what they're told instead of finding it out for themselves. (BTW, Ironically, i'm a youth pastor for my church.) in fact, that's how i see the whole cd. Consider the bridge "wait for the sky to fall and purge this frail humanity" Also, look at the lyrics for S.M.C. and Last Meal, both also from this album. If the album itself isnt a smack back at society and mainstream religions, then i dont know what is.

Cover art for Little Green Men lyrics by Project 86

oh k its all good that everyone like the band as well as i do but i have yet to see anyone talk about the meaning about the song. Ive one or two people talk about what it was to the band... "Personal"... my opinion on that is as a song writer every song band makes or writes should be personal or mean something to them... or its just empty words But back to the meaning of the song, to me i think this song may be talking about "Big Brother" as the lyrics go "And if this child could sing he would say I dont need anybody i dont need anyone i dont need your guidance Woah WOAH WOAH" Like they may be stating how society is tryin to make us who were are.... and two another piece of lyrics makes me think that they are talkin about the government and how its going to end...."Watch as I build an empire, watch as I rise and fall Watch as, I fight all alone woah, woah woah!" But i dont know maybe im wrong but who know (would like some feedback)

Xit the danger Xit the fear inside you Xit the world around you! Xit me into you...

Cover art for Little Green Men lyrics by Project 86

little green men refers to the little army men you get when you're little. I love the sandbox philosophies of this song. Corporations are the corporations putting out the little army men. a satire of trying to get children wanting to be army men, going to war, fighting, you know like little boys are. like a "smoking is cool" but about fighting and war and violence. put those ideas together and you got it, now go and read the song again.. Oh, and yes, Project 86 is a Christian Band. In Christ The Happiness Salesman

Cover art for Little Green Men lyrics by Project 86

27 comments and nearly none are on topic? Seems to be 2 separate meanings.

  1. The condoning of violence in our society.
  2. A love of money. The first seems to be discussed enough, so I'll leave that be.

Out of the playground's ashes Come little men With little games

Out of childhood innocence comes the temptation of the little green men (dollar bills)

So let's all sing Sing a song of love Sing until our throats bleed

How we sing about the things money can buy for us

(And if this child could speak, he would say:) I don't need anybody, ect.

How a love of money forces you to rely on it, and how it will twist your motives.

History's a stage for reruns For 3 A.M. insomniacs Who quote the episodes

All of history has shown this pattern over and over again (Reruns), where willing (or gold, or anything else that could be your god) is someone's all and they will do anything for it, or to get more.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Little Green Men lyrics by Project 86

The new cd rocks!!

Cover art for Little Green Men lyrics by Project 86

Havent heard it yet, got it on pre-order, gunna be AWESOME! I love Project 86! God Bless

Cover art for Little Green Men lyrics by Project 86

Aw crap im sorry guys i just realized what that one line is. It's like this:

"Watch as I build an empire, Watch as I rise and fall. Watch as... i fight all alone woah, woah woah!"

lol sorry bout that guys i kinda screwed it up but i think the lyrics are perftct aside from that =)

Cover art for Little Green Men lyrics by Project 86

demonhunter, you can go in and edit the lyrics. look at the top-right of the page where it says ::login:: and it says "Submitted Lyrics (edit | view)" click "edit" and you can change the ones you posted.

this cd is incredible. i got the prerelease about a month ago. it's the full cd, just no jewel case, but ya this song is great.

Cover art for Little Green Men lyrics by Project 86

I love project 86. They rock, all their stuff rocks. The only music I listen to is hard rock like these dudes. I love this song too. I tried finding it on KaZaA but I got nothin...DANG.. well I can wait till tuesday I guess. I will be the first person inline at best buy! Mwahaha!! Wait..what stores are givin away andrew's book along with the cd? Or some special buy or sumthin? Anyone know about this?

Cover art for Little Green Men lyrics by Project 86

Maaaaaaaan...I love Christian rock..all christian music rox..except gospel..that's weird. But TFK, POD, Blindside, Project 86, Justifide, these 5 down, Spoken, kutless, 38th parallel, ..man..i love them..a girl can just get sick of bands that cuss and talk dirty all the time..and that's what happened to me. I'm a Christian girl who is in love with the Lord and I thank God for bands like project 86.