This song is really awesome! It's so true..when you lose someone you lose a part of yourself I LOVE PENFOLD!

<3 <3 <3

this song is so great.... i cry.. it reminds me and my girl... its how i feel rite now... she left me..but i getting her back slowly

i <3 <3 <3 this song. penfold are rockin my socks sosososo hard.

when my boyfriend dumped me this was the only song i would listen to.
"you're the only person i would ever want to break my heart."

Penfold is really good...no coments ' forget the taste of your lips over mine' =~

This song is amazing. The first time I heard it, I cried. It reminds me of an ex bf of mine. We used to go to Penfold shows together.

this was the first song I ever heard by penfold.....thank you emo diaries!!!

i'd been listening to penfold for awhile [breathing lessons is so hardcore.] before i heard this song. and it blew me away.

i always like the drumming in this song, especially at the end,it gives me chills.