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So Impossible Lyrics

So she says
"Everyone's going to the party,
won't you come if I come
with a friend for your friend?
I'd be so pleased to see you
out of the classroom wearing the smile that I'll bring you.
I was hoping to learn a few things like..
Do you do you like dishing the dirt
on the whole class &
talking the big smack &
playing the fool &
wearing all of the latest fashions
or bucking the new trends
wearing your old threads.
If you like coffee in the evening.
These are a few things that I'd like to know
that I'd like to know"

So I said...
"I've been scheduled to work but I'll call in
and my friend isn't busy
he'd be happy to join me
and maybe my friend
and your friend
will hit it off or maybe we will?"

I'm dying to know
do you do you like dreaming of things
so impossible or only the practical
or ever the wild or waiting through all your bad bad days
just to end them with
someone you care about
and do you like making out
and long drives and brown eyes
and guys that just
don't quite fit in
yeah do you like them
So yes, I'll see you there.
Song Info
Submitted by
rojazz On Nov 22, 2001
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167 Meanings

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Cover art for So Impossible lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

this song is just so great, both lyrically and melodically. his musical style really seems to be maturing, as is evidenced by this and the other songs on the new ep. it's amazing live, too. i can't wait for chris to come back here so that i can sing along this time.

Cover art for So Impossible lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

so what's the real title of this song? "I'll See you There" or "So impossible"? hmmmmm?

Cover art for So Impossible lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

the real title is 'so impossible'. it was originally known as 'i'll see you there', which is probably why it's also listed under that name.

Cover art for So Impossible lyrics by Dashboard Confessional


Cover art for So Impossible lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

i don't know this song is ok i def dont think this is the best DC song but i agree the lyrics are good

Cover art for So Impossible lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

this song is beautiful. i think i may have an obsession w/ it ::gasp:: =]

Cover art for So Impossible lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

three hours before i was to go to a party with this guy i like, he told me to read these lyrics. and i did. and its such a beautiful song. it described us, we could both imagine us having this conversation. ::sigh:: and i do like them.

Cover art for So Impossible lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

Is it just me, or is this a freakin AMAZING song? No one writes like this guy. No one can paint a picture like this. Damn, this guy is good. It inspired me to write more or my own songs. Look for me onstage with Chris one day. It will be big.....oh yes......it will be big...

Cover art for So Impossible lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

i love the whole so impossible ep, but this I love this song because it reminds me of a friend of mine. He met a girl on a retreat we went to, and got a huge crush on her, and now wants to know everything about her. She consideres him just a friend tho... too bad. This is one of the dashboard songs that make me cry...

Cover art for So Impossible lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

this song makes me cry too...cuz I want some one to sing it to me. the lyrics are great...I dont think they really need explaining it's spelt right out.