Mad The Swine Lyrics
But this time I wear no sandals
Ages past I gave all you people
Food and water
I bring thunder lightning sun and the rain
For all the people in the land
I bring you from up above
All good children gather around
Come join your hands and sing along
I guess I'm mad the swine
I've come to save you save you
Mad the swine
Mad the swine
So all you people gather around
Hold out your hands and praise the Lord
I'll help the meek and the mild and believers and the blind
And all the creatures great and small
Let me take you to the river without a ford
Oh and then one day you realise
You're all the same we've been in life
All I've come to say just like before
I'm mad the swine
I've come to save you save you
Mad the swine
Mad the swine
So all you people gather around
Hold out your hands and praise the Lord
So all you people gather around
Hold out your hands and praise the Lord
Don't ever fail me
Mad the swine
I've come to save you save you
Oh now
Mad the swine
Mad the swine
So all you people gather around
Hold out your hands and praise the Lord
Hands and praise the Lord
Praise the Lord
I'll get down on my knees and praise the Lord

Mad the swine is referencing the time when a heard of pigs were given the evil spirits of a possessed man. At that time they all went nuts and ran into the river and drowned. The man was healed and hence the title mad the swine.
Beyond that and as a Christain it illustrates just how Jesus can work within a life to save us and the many means by which he will and can rid us of our evils...and we've many

I would argue that Freddie meant to say that the Pharisees and most of the Jews thought Jesus as crazy, what with associating with thieves and whores. Second they thought Jesus to be arrogant because he was clever and humiliated the Pharisees in their own trap questions, and also because he proclaimed himself the son of God; hence they thought him to be swine, a pretty nasty insult considering pigs are taboo in Jewish culture. And the line "I guess I'm mad the swine" could be referencing Jesus' indifference to the pharisees insults.
also this song could be referring to Jesus exorcising the legions (of demons) from the crazy man living in the cave. he cast the legion into a herd of wild pigs, and they all ran in madness and drown themselves. cant remember what book and verse this is.
I personally dont think Freddie wrote this as an anti-Christian attack, just another perspective I suppose.

This song is about a pig that claims to be the second coming of Jesus. The references to Jesus are very clear, he came a long time ago, he came to save us, he walked on water, he wore sandals, he helped the meek and the blind. Mad is a real pig as he states he's only 3 feet tall an no trouble to anyone. Now, what did Freddy metaphorically mean by writing this? I have two interpretations.
- Lots of dirty people pretend to be the second coming of Jesus or someone 'somehow devine' to manipulate people, get money, abuse power. So a pig claiming to be the second coming of Jesus could totally represent those fake prophets.
- According to the Bible, it was very hard for Jesus to convince people he was the son of God, coming from humble origins a mixing with common people. So what would happen if he came back as a pig? He would still want to save the world and give a message of love but it would be even harder. Specially to claim he's the king of the Jews being a pig, the animal they despise most. He says he loves all God's creatures and we're all the same within he's eyes. A message that God loves everyone even animals, even pigs.

Sounds like Jesus comeing back as a pig... Kinda weird...

Correction to lyrics: "I woke up on the water, just as before" is actually "I'll walk upon the water, just as before" And, "You're all the same we've been in life" might (just might) be: "You're all the same within his eyes".
Great song. Imagine the controversy if it was relised today, though.

Yeah, I think the lyric is definitely "You're all the same within his eyes" makes more sense and it rhymes! I have another correction to add: "Let me take you to the river without a ford" should be "Let me take you to the river without a fall".
I also think it's about Jesus coming back as a pig. The song doesn't really sound like it's mocking Christianity though; it sounds like it's trying to send a message. Maybe the message is that if Jesus did come back, he would come back as a pig and no one would take him seriously (which is why the people call him "Mad"...mad meaning crazy).

God only knows what this is about. I think Freddie wrote this one in 1973. It was released as a B Side to Headlong. I reckon he must have done some bad crack or something. Or he was reading too much C S Lewis. I think The Yipskee is right. It is about Jesus coming back as an animal (for animals maybe?). Maybe if he came back as an animal he would come back as a pig. He would come back as the animal nobody would expect. Like he hung out with weirdos and people the religious leaders considered unworthy, maybe he would come back as an unclean animal to identify with those animals. I dunno! It is weird! Maybe I'll just go back to sleep.

I guess if he was an animal that would explain why he was so short. I was perplexed by that for ages!

Yeah, the line is "Then one day you'll realise you're all the same within his eyes."
Crazy good song. Especially that line.

Somehow, I don't think this is about Jesus coming back. (My Christian belief would say that he's got no need to be reincarnated, as he isn't dead.) I always thought this was about some guy who THINKS he's some hero who's destined to save the world or something. And then he kinda goes off and starts talking about all the things he's done/can do. Except really, people think he's more or less crazy. Hence he's MAD (crazy) and - I'm not sure about the Swine part, but possibly it's because nobody much cares about him, hence he means about as much as a Swine to them? (This is, of course, assuming that pigs don't mean a lot to most people.)
Anyway, it's a cool song.