145 Meanings
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MMMBop Lyrics

You have so many relationships in this life
Only one or two will last
You're go through all the pain and strife
Then you turn your back and they're gone so fast
And they're gone so fast
Oh so hold on the ones who really care
In the end they'll be the only ones there
When you get old and start losing your hair
Can you tell me who will still care
Can you tell me who will still care, oh care
Mmmbop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, ba duba dop
Ba du
Mmmbop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, Ba du dop
Ba du bop, Ba du dop
Ba du
Plant a seed, plant a flower, plant a rose
You can plant any one of those
Keep planting to find out which one grows
It's a secret no one knows
It's a secret no one knows

In an mmmbop they're gone.
In an mmmbop they're gone. In an mmmbop they're not there.
In an mmmbop they're gone. In an mmmbop they're not there.
In an mmmbop they're gone. In an mmmbop they're not there.
In an mmmbop they're gone. In an mmmbop they're not there.
Until you lose your hair. But you don't care.

So hold on the ones who really care
In the end they'll be the only ones there
When you get old and start losing your hair
Can you tell me who will still care
Can you tell me who will still care, oh care

Can you tell me? No You can't 'cause you don't know.
You say you can but you don't know.
Can you tell me which flower's going to grow?
Can you tell me if it's going to be a daisy or a rose?
Can you tell me which flower's going to grow?
Can you tell me? You say you can but you don't know.
Don't know.
Song Info
Submitted by
demau Senae On Apr 20, 2001
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145 Meanings

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Cover art for MMMBop lyrics by Hanson

This is what I believe about Mmmbop:

  1. The pansy in the background of the music video bothers me. A lot.
  2. Does everyone notice that non-fans who joke on this song misquote the chorus ALL THE TIME?
  3. While some people consider these lyrics "dumb," I think they are incredibly advances for kids. The song is about relationships and how you'll have so many of them in your lifetime, but so few left at the end. It's about holding on to the ones who really matter. How many kids think about that kind of thing? About how many friends you'll have when you're old and gray? Most of us didn't think about that as 8 year olds.
Song Meaning
Cover art for MMMBop lyrics by Hanson

Middle school is over...everyone can stop pretending they don't like this song now

word up.

Cover art for MMMBop lyrics by Hanson

Ya know, most people don't give Hanson, or this song, a chance because alot of people heard what sounded like a bunch of girls going "bop bop be bop ba" and they instantly begin to make fun of it. But I think people should really give this song a chance because it's really a great song. It's something that everyone can relate to; many people will come into your life, but they very rarely stick around. So you need to appreciate those people you have, the people who will always be there for you, because those are the ones who really care. Ok, maybe I didn't word that right, but you ge my point :)

@mind2reality384 Which girls?

Cover art for MMMBop lyrics by Hanson

This song is pure sunshine. And sometimes that's just what you need. There's no song out there that makes me feel as instantly happy as this one. I know that's hard to understand, but, hey.

As to what the song means? Oh fuck, who cares? :o) It's obvious - live your damn life before God takes it away from you and cherish all those close to you. Yes, it's simple, but it's best that way.

The version that EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the united states (and all over the world, too) has heard (Middle of Nowhere CD version) is my least fave version of the song. I like the version from Three Car Garage the best, where Taylor was maybe, oh, 11. Think the boy sounded like a girl? Heh, you'll have fun with that version. But anyway. That version is so vibrant and pure. Sunshine.

Cover art for MMMBop lyrics by Hanson


Cover art for MMMBop lyrics by Hanson

Folks, Check Out Craig Ferguson's version from his show dated 10/6/2009. You'll love it! Whether you liked or hated it when it came out. You'll be dancing, laughing, and smiling all at once! You'll see what I mean. 19/6/2009 Craig Ferguson's show.

Cover art for MMMBop lyrics by Hanson

Everybody was kung-fu fighting (dunna dunna dun dun dun dun dun)

Cover art for MMMBop lyrics by Hanson

Hanson...what can I say? You just gotta love 'em. Always will...no matter what other music I come in contact with. And this song started it all. It's hard to believe that was over five years ago...

Cover art for MMMBop lyrics by Hanson

quality song

Cover art for MMMBop lyrics by Hanson

I love this song! I am a freaking junior in high school and I can admit that I love Hanson. And quit worrying about the old stuff anyways. Check out Penny and Me, now that's a great song!