Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle) Lyrics
I'm with shibbys alternative - why does a song have to mean anything? why can't it just be fun? you guys sound like a bunch of goths - "oh look at me, i'm so deep and angsty!" yeah, i like to listen to songs with meaning sometimes, songs i can relate to, but when i'm cruising, or hanging out at the lake, or playing pool, i just want something that makes me want to move, or something that makes me laugh. lighten up, for pity's sake.
i think this song kicks ass, i like anything that makes me want to get up and dance, that's why I love limp bizkit.
Classic Bizkit styles. Hahah they're so gay that they rock.
I'm a metalhead, I like at least 1 band of alsmot every genre of metal. And I like this, not for the lyrics, which are indeed ass, but for every other aspect of it. It's good to listen to. I tend to ignore lyrics in songs since I'm not used to being able to distinguish them (Dimmu Borgir, anyone?) so meh. You either like LB or hate them. I like them.
FromGreenToRed has a very valid point.
I can write alot about this song, but all I can say is:
Bad lyrics, good song.
And remember that everyone has different music tastes, that's why we have punk and rap and metal and classical and all that. It's what makes this world such a wonderful, diverse and musical place to live in.
u no i disagree with the ppl who r against this song sure it doesnt make sense and some of the lyrics are garbage but did it ever occur to u that this song may not have a meaning and maybe it was just made to get ppl off the ass and dance and have a great time it is a nightclub song bottom line end of story.
Hey people, cool it down.. Every song DOESNT have to have a meaning! Songs can be good just because they're catchy. Why does all music always has to be critical to the society, or about heartbreaks or whatever, to be good? Cant a song just have a great beat or a nice melody? I love love love the song! I dont care if the meaning is to smoke weed or if there isnt any meaning. And I dont like Limp Bizkit very much, but this song ROCKS. Its catchy its crazy so fuck off :)))) Stop being all serious and "too cool" for a catchy song!
It's really hilarious to see the most recent comments like this song and then sort by 'Oldest First' to see people trash it.
That's how pop music works, I guess.
this song has no meaning other than it's lame. xoxo
For those of you who come on here to rip on Durst and LB, why do u do it? I mean obviously u don't like the song or the band, so why look up and comment on a song u don't like? LB isn't your pussy backstreet boys/Hannah montanna/ Justin beiber shit. It isn't supposed to b soft and meaning full. It's supposed to get your blood pumpin. Ge you going. Clearly they don't need your opinion since they have a few platinum albums. So get on here and dis. Go listen to "take a look around" by LB. They...
For those of you who come on here to rip on Durst and LB, why do u do it? I mean obviously u don't like the song or the band, so why look up and comment on a song u don't like? LB isn't your pussy backstreet boys/Hannah montanna/ Justin beiber shit. It isn't supposed to b soft and meaning full. It's supposed to get your blood pumpin. Ge you going. Clearly they don't need your opinion since they have a few platinum albums. So get on here and dis. Go listen to "take a look around" by LB. They domt give a shit. Peace to the fans.
Does Fred Durst know anything about the world? All he writes about is stupid meaningless shit that nobody but adolescents gives a fuck about. Then he has the gall to call himself an artist, and what's more, put down other REAL artists just because he knows that he could never produce something real. Limp Bizkit are the masters of creating empty, emotionless garbage.