Break Stuff Lyrics
you all are stupid, hes not saying what hes actually gonna do, hes saying what hed like to do, just cuz i say im gonna kill your stupid cock sucking ass, doesnt mean im trying to be macho, it means i really wanna kill you, you are all dumbshits, if you guys knew anything about lyric writing youd know that this song isnt about showing off, its about how shit heads like you piss him off and he FEELS like bashing your heads in
Man you guys are all fucking dumbasses. This song is perfect for after work or to drink to. Its saying they had a shitty day (which everyone has had) and fuck you to the world because i am not putting up with it anymore.
so...according to the majority, as soon as a band starts becoming popular in the mainstream, then they have sold out? Do u think they can help it if teenyboppers like a song they do?
I would rather still listen to this than try to even listen to that crappy metalcore fad that we have right now !
yeah this song has really bad lyrics but seriously, i think everyone has felt like this before and someone needed to write it, might as well be him. come on i know that you've had those days when you really wanna rip someones head off or just punch someone in the face. damnit i have had too many of them, pefect song for one of those days.
Agreed. This song is just a rambling piece of chest-pounding macho bullshit, which is something that Fred Durst seems to have a knack for cranking out.
this guy has the balls to say what? that he's fucking hard? that's not something you prove by saying it, it's something you prove by BEING it. and he lost his chance when he backed down to scott stapp. not to mention when he performed with christina aguilerra. they fucking deserve each other.
Maybe it's macho bull..., but havn't non of ya'll started a day with thinking, that everything is wrong, u don't wan't to head for school or work, or what ever u do? This is what this song is about. I know that he say's "right now I'm dangerus", but come on, wouldn't it sound wrong if he said "right now u're dangerus" ? Anyway, I like to listen to this song when i'm "down" -when I have one of those days- :) anyway that's my opinion.
yes i think everyone has bad days, but when i have a bad day, i don't get sudden impulses to "skin someone's ass raw" with a chainsaw, or beat the fuck out of somebody. i just feel like laying in bed and being a lazy piece of shit. plus he does say something about talking shit and leaving with fat lip, implying that he's tough shit and you better not mess with him.
Aight i'm gonna go past all the limp bizkit sux shit in here and just tell ya wat I thin of the song. In my opinon i think this is a really good super fucking pissed day . IDK about u gize but when i get pissed i feel like that and this song reminds me of a break up in a way to its all about the he says she says bull shit but im wrong n e wayz