Loved by some, feared by others
She's immortalized in young men's eyes
Lust she breeds in the eyes of brothers
Violent sons make bitter mothers
So close your eyes, here's your surprise
Beautiful is empty
Beautiful is free
Beautiful loves no one
Beautiful stripped me
In your mind she's your companion
Vile instincts often candid
Your regret is all that's left
She told me where I'm going
And it's far away from home
I think I'll go there on my own
scott stapp is basically talking about betrayal in this song. when he says, "She wears a coat of color," thats the beautiful outside of her, its her skin, its the temptation, but on the inside is betrayal, lies, and evil. She's "Loved by some feared by others," meaning that the ones who are being tricked or have fallen under her "spell" think they love her, but the ones who see the real her, they fear her. "She's immortalized in a young man's eyes," meaning how easy it is for a man to be tempted just by looking at her. then when it say "So close your eyes, here's your surprise," stapp is saying that by taking away all her good looks and closing your eyes, the surprise is what you realize is underneath this beauty. its empty, yet free, but loves no one. by saying "Beautiful stripped me," hes saying how shes betrayed him or "it" has betrayed him. the part i can't explain is the last three verses.
the part i can't explain is the last three verses. <<
Here's my explanation, probably not right, but humorous :).
She told me where I'm going <<
She said go to hell.
And it's far away from home<<
I think I'll go there on my own<<
He says no thanks, I don't need your help...
Anyway, you guys are mostly right. It's just about how beauty betrays us... we seek something beautiful (usually women), but beauty is an empty shell... a trap. If beauty is what you want, she'll burn you.
That is exactly what I though! lol I was going to post that.
That is exactly what I though! lol I was going to post that.
Sure... but I am going to do it my way BYE!
Sure... but I am going to do it my way BYE!
I love this song, because at first glance you are like "Beautiful" must be some song about loving something... and it turns out it is the exact opposite! good stuff
I love this song, because at first glance you are like "Beautiful" must be some song about loving something... and it turns out it is the exact opposite! good stuff
Keep such talk outside of the comments please. Thank you,
<b>S</b>ong<b>M</b>eanings Mod.
To each their own.
hehehe nice argument.............anyways this is a very good song but i dont think it sings it very well.
Well, I think the last three verses simply meens, that "she" tells him, that he can't "escape" her, and that he's going to fall in again, and then he simply says, that it won't be with her. . . . .
The song talks about scott's girlfriend from high school that she wanted him to be just with her she wanted him bound n' tied when he felt trapped in her he says "she was so freaking hot, but still i didn't like her feelings she was irresponsible and wild she was only dating me cause i was barely starting a band and she thought i was going to be rich but when i lost all my money she dumped me and i never heard of her again." so u saw it this song is about how a women can be so pretty in the outside she can also be very ugly in the inside. peace :D:D:D:D:DD: and shhhhhhhhh its a secret.
own personal demon pisses me off.if that stupid fucker doesn't like creed he should check out some different fucking music!!!!!!!!!!
screw opd, this soog does kick ass This is creed.. the mtsic mani people"are afr`id to lkke. So0if your"gonna bg a mind|ess mtv rat, pldase staz the hell away from thia section.
Look passed the site, feel passed the touch... and make sure there's more than outward beauty. Great song... just like the rest.