To the Tune of 5,000 Screaming Children Lyrics
i love this song!!! this was the song they started off with when i saw them 11/24/01 in sacto. it was so awesome. a perfect song to start off a show with. my heart was soaring. i wish it didnt end so soon...tear
i enjoy this song. it makes me feel powerful.. even though i am still a teen.
i love this song, it cracks me up. smack down on whoever they're talking to.
This is almost definetely to their critics...."we knew you'd hate this before WE wrote it" (we rules out the girl theory) "you're a paper fist, a faceless attack" critics (obviously) attack people on paper...etc.
I definitly agree w/ fadeintome... and, this song is indeed one of Juliana's best.
i love this song. it's the only reason i bought thier cd. well, before that, i never heard the song, and i was standing there trying to decide between minor threat and TJT. i saw this name and it sounded really cool so i bought it. that's the only reason i bought it. i mean, "to the tune of 5,000 screaming children", doesn't that sound pretty?
This song has a lot more power than many of their other songs, but that makes it sooo awesome! It kinda reminds me of "We're Nothing Without You" by TJT, but their lyrics are so ... ugh, effing awesome!
I love this song so much. It is such a gr8 song with gr8 lyrics which is even better. The toon of this song is really gr8 and the instrumental is also really good too. I love the two diferent toons of the singers voice in this song when he sings the part in the ch. that goes "You do, you do. YOU DO, YOU DO." I just think that that is really cetchy and good. You know one of those CDs that are so good and you have the burnt copy and you think it's so good so you want to buy the real copy? Well this is totally me about this band. all the songs are GR8! And I gotta tahnk a wonderful guy named Peter for introducing them to me! Emo Rockz!:D .:~aMbEr*
awesome song.
really powerful. looove it.