Mercedes Benz Lyrics
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends;
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends.
So Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz.
Dealing for dollars is trying to find me.
I wait for delivery each day until three.
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV.
I'm counting on you, Lord, please don't let me down.
Prove that you love me and buy the next round.
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a night on the town.
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends;
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends.
So Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz.

Janis is strongly sarcastic when says in the begining "I want to do a song of great social and political import". This song is about society's superficial values and materialistic people, what were very questioned in sixties.

Am I crazy or would Jack White do a brilliant cover of this song?

the title is ironic in fact the song drips with sarcasm and ironyy. Janis Joplin is critisizing people who use prayer to ask for personal gain. She came from a repressive religious childhood leaving her with depression probably setting her on the path to rebelion trhough drug misuse and unfortunaely an early death.

She is making fun of the materialistic desires of the majority of society. Our infatuation with spiffy cars, fancy meals and drinks, as well as high-tech gadgets. This world is full of greedy bastards.

I think Janis is spoofing on people who pray for material luxuries.
Prayer is supposed to be deeply spiritual. But here in the USA, we have ranting, raving, televangelists who tell us that if we give them enough money, god will reward us financially. It's shameful, and it really is a joke.
How nice that you pick out a tiny fraction of preachers. I somehow doubt that was an accident. Please don't forget the people of no faith who see themselves as the center of their universe; do little for their fellow man; and trash anyone of faith. Only like one televangelist and prefer those who take vows of poverty, but I do believe Janis WAS spoofing religious people. Many musician unfortunately think the masses want to hear their politics when in reality they're usually only good at being a musician. Janis' lifestyle killed her, so she shouldn't have been one to...
How nice that you pick out a tiny fraction of preachers. I somehow doubt that was an accident. Please don't forget the people of no faith who see themselves as the center of their universe; do little for their fellow man; and trash anyone of faith. Only like one televangelist and prefer those who take vows of poverty, but I do believe Janis WAS spoofing religious people. Many musician unfortunately think the masses want to hear their politics when in reality they're usually only good at being a musician. Janis' lifestyle killed her, so she shouldn't have been one to laugh at anyone of faith who at least tried his/her best to follow religious teachings.
FYI...she's one of my favorite female musicians. You just hit a nerve with the topic of faith and the topic of loud-mouthed musicians taking advantage of their fame to push their own agendas.
FYI...she's one of my favorite female musicians. You just hit a nerve with the topic of faith and the topic of loud-mouthed musicians taking advantage of their fame to push their own agendas.

Classic song -ya gotta love it

great song.

yea when it comes on in the morniung while im in the shower i just gotta laugh cause she puts so much cheer and old folk into it.. even though it aint one of her best she still does it great and in opinion i think joplin was the break through for female rockers every where.... the best part of mercedes benz is when she gives a little chuckle at the end

this song is symbolic. joplin is saying how she's worked hard all her life and hasnt had much of a break. she wants to experience the pleasures life has to offer, like so many others already do. she wants to be carefree and happy.

I love this song :D It's one of those you just have to know? Janis is one of my biggest heros, very inspiring. And I strongly agree with that CoNjOutsidersLsSm...that she "was the break through for female rockers every where...." Where would be without her? At least i admire her a lot for what she did and her ideas =D