Your Own Special Way Lyrics
A place where the sea runs underneath.
We'll see our shadow, high in the sky,
Drying away in the night.
And left all I love behind in tears.
Oh, won't you come here, wherever you are,
I've been all alone long enough.
Of holding my hand keep it way 'bove the water,
Don't ever let go - Oh no, no, no.
Of turning the world so it's facing
The way that I'm going. Don't ever
Don't ever stop.
But when the ship moves she's passing by.
Between you and me I really don't think,
She knows where she's going at all.
Of carrying me twice round the world
Never closer to home than the day,
The day I started.
Hold onto my hand keep it way 'bove the water,
Don't ever let go no, no, no.
The man in the moon's a blinding light.
Won't you come out whoever you are,
You've followed me quiet long enough.
Of holding my hand, Don't ever let go.
You, you have your own special way,
Of turning the world so it's facing
The way that I'm going, Don't ever,
Don't ever leave me.

The meaning for me as I go thru some heavy things as a mother, daughter and medical issues is that we really need that someone even if they do not exist that will be there to get us thru, hold us up above the bridge, go thru the high times and the low times and be there always when we need them. I do Believe in GOD and know that he is always with me! But, sometimes you need a physical being to hug and hold you and just listen. I have a therapist, adult children and a few friends. They just do not understand everything and never will. Too much water under the bridge! We are all longing and waiting for that connection to get us thru “this thing called life”. Listening to purple rain right now. To uplift us! To understand us, love us! Give us a break! Help us when our heart breaks and when it swells. I have No one that I want to call or be with right now. Music helps. Sometimes it drags me into a hole! I want You to come wherever you are! You have your own special way to turn my world around and face the right way! Hold my hand! Suppose I should have used many quotations! We all want and need this!

Supposedly it's about Myrtle the Mermaid - Mike's introduction in Chicago on the Wind and Wuthuring Tour. But it is still a rather sweet love song and maybe too a children's song. On the album Eleventh Earl of Mar is a story being read to a child , and this more so seems like a tale for children and probably at this time in life the band mambers had small children in their families. I used it to edit a video of my daughter to and it just went so well "your own special way of holding my hand....", it just seems not about adult relationships at all. It's also the start of the more personal writing in Genesis as they move out of the Prog era towards the pop years.

You knew how to keep me floating, you did not know where you wanted your life to go - hey ho - it did not work between us, but you still have your special way

Beautiful. My favourite off the album. I think it is very emotional and something very rare and delicate in Genesis's catalouge. I think nagromai has it right. We didn't work out, but you're still a great person nonetheless.

This song is about a sailor's relationship, maybe even love affair, with the wind, but is equally applicable to the protagonist's relationship with their partner.

Great, beautiful song... love steve hackett's guitar in this one... one of my favorites.

I think the songs reflects how special each one of us is. When you love somebody, they are a unique individual that can do certain things only they can do.
"You, you have your own special way, Of turning the world so it's facing The way, that I'm going"
It's analogist to the wind and a sail ship...they need each other in a special way.

Wind and wuthering was one of the first albums that I listen to by Genesis back in the seventies. Your own special way always had a special place in my mind in my heart I remember buying the cassette tape. Do yourself a favor and watch Genesis do it live on the Mike Douglas show on YouTube favor and watch genesis live on the Mike Douglas show a very young Phil Collins with a beard

I always thought of this as a love song to God. He's thanking the Lord for all the good fortune in his life. The sailing imagery is just a metaphor for the guiding hand of God. I'm really not a religious person in any way, but that's always the way I interpreted the lyrics.
@Zebobyo, I think you're quite correct! I am always quite amazed that lots of folk don't get the 'Genesis' connection to the lyrics of all of their songs!
@Zebobyo, I think you're quite correct! I am always quite amazed that lots of folk don't get the 'Genesis' connection to the lyrics of all of their songs!
In the beginning was the word etc.,
In the beginning was the word etc.,
One Genesis 'fan' recently questioned my Mama reply on another You tube video!!
One Genesis 'fan' recently questioned my Mama reply on another You tube video!!
To clarify my own belief, when 'she' is mentioned in any composition by the band writers - it refers to Mary, Mother of God.
To clarify my own belief, when 'she' is mentioned in any composition by the band writers - it refers to Mary, Mother of God.
Imho, not so difficult to grasp! ????????????????????
Imho, not so difficult to grasp! ????????????????????
@Zebobyo Spirituality of course is sublime. Songwriters more often that not write from the subconscious. So spirituality is bound to permeate the songs even in the case of the most agnostic of artists.
@Zebobyo Spirituality of course is sublime. Songwriters more often that not write from the subconscious. So spirituality is bound to permeate the songs even in the case of the most agnostic of artists.

I fell in love with this song and the entire Wind and Wuthering album in 9th grade. I’m 61 now and I always said this song was about me. Not engrossed in myself, just being a good person. It just related into my head. Yeah, I’m a good person. ❤️