Megalomania Lyrics
That I am not prepared to pay
What were we built for?
Could someone tell me please?
And won't accept gifts from me
What are they for?
They'll just grow up, and break the laws you've loved
And all your underneath
It's me
I want a new game to play
When I am gone
It won't be long, before I disturb you in the dark
That I am not prepared to pay
What were we built for?
Will someone tell me please?
And all your underneath
It's me

I also thought it was about religion and God. I always thought that most of the time he is talking to "God" in the lyrics.
"take off your disguise
i know that underneath it's me"
is reminiscent of the classic quote from an old movie, The Ruling class: Peter O'toole's character claims he is God; someone asks him "How do you know you're God?", O'toole responds "Simple, when I pray to Him I find I am talking to myself."
The megalomania -- fantasies of omnipotence -- is in equating yourself to God. If there is indeed a God, it must be yourself.
"paradise comes at a price that i am not prepared to pay" The price being death or complete non-existence?
As for the girl who can't have babies thing, farked if I know.
Really good analysis. I get the song now.
Really good analysis. I get the song now.

Main Entry: meg·a·lo·ma·nia Pronunciation: "me-g&-lO-'mA-nE-&, -ny& Function: noun Etymology: New Latin Date: circa 1890 1 : a mania for great or grandiose performance 2 : a delusional mental disorder that is marked by infantile feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur
A megalomaniac is a person convinced that they are the greatest and most powerful, superior in all ways to all their peers. Hitler, Stalin, those sorts of guys.
The bass line in this song really reminds me of "Kefkas theme" from final fantast VI. Even before i knew the song title i knew exactly what it was about, its really quite expressive.
I am a megalomaniac on a good day

''that im not prepared to pay'' i was very catolic a while ago so i try to killmyself and that was the only thing i was thinking back ''then i will not met the poaradise'' i was thinking now im a atheist so i relate a lot.
the good news is, she can't have babies and wont accept gifts from me what are they for? they'll just grow up, and break the laws you've loved this is cleary about rape
when i am gone it won't be long, before i disturb you in the dark another part of suicide
bellamy is a fucking genius i could never express something like that in 4:38
@converseme I think the song's about realizing we created god for our own good. the organs fit the religious theme.
@converseme I think the song's about realizing we created god for our own good. the organs fit the religious theme.

And why is that?
The organs add irony to the song, since it's all about atheism. It makes sense to me to say this anyways. It's sort of like a tongue-in-cheek statement; sortof comparing himself to God because they 'both have organs now'... Matt Bellamy, I believe, is not being arrogant; he's just saying metaphorically that 'he is God', which is a common saying for lots of Atheists we they live by the phrase "you're your own God", or something similar to that.

Never really thought about its meaning, altho its prolly apparent in the title, but this song fills me with spomething no other song can, especially when the organ type instrument comes in at the chorus! Joyous!

Oh Come On People!
Its about religion! No, I'm not being bigheaded. I actually know, as I asked the big man(Matt Bellamy) himself. :D Greatest conversation I've ever had, although the subject was a little depressing.
Matt Bellamy is a devoted athiest. The song is about God and how people still believe in God even after all terrible things happen in the world.It just seems mixed up as its written in different perspectives. The first verse is written in Matt's perspective.

Another point... an church organ sound goes through the song. Plus, i just remembered, i think its about hypocrisy of some church people eg priests

Obviously, atheism. The name says it all.

i agree with hideyourdisguise. this song is very anti-religious and theyr talking about paradise as in heaven... well i heard it somewhere

Basically he is saying he is God, hence the title "Megalomania" which is a disorder that entails believing yourself to be greater than any other person alive. Logically God is above all those alive and thus he is God in this song. The Chorus "take off your mask, i know that underneath it's me" is him saying exactly that.
Also the lines about paradise, are about how he refuses to obey the rules of the church to get in to heaven. the price are the rules and paradise is heaven
the lines "they'll grow up and break the laws you love" talk about us, being mankind. he is saying that we'll grow up and turn into sinful adults
"useless device, it won't suffice i want a new game to play when i am gone it won't be long, before i disturb you in the dark"
this is about how he is bored with religion and wont "play" along, he wants to do something else. the third and fourth lines are about when he dies, he'll be proven right. he is saying he will haunt God but seeing as god doesn't exist, there will be no-one to haunt