The Chamber Of 32 Doors Lyrics
What I think is interesting about this song is really more of the story in the liner notes (printed above the lrics here). It's the line "Rael sees a quiet corner and rushes to it." Now that's a very simple line that could be overlooked, but not for me. If I think about the first song and the line "The sawdust king spits out his scorn: Wonder women, you can draw your blinds! Don't look at me, I'm not your kind," I notice that there's a small pattern here- this character of Rael doesn't seem to like people staring at him, or noticing him at all. This contradicts lyrics from Back In NYC, where he seems to be bragging to people about how tough he is. I think that's just bravado, and the line in this story and the lyrics in the first song reinforce my opinion that Rael is actually an introvert.
@EnduringChill I agree entirely - note : you think i´m a tough kid , is that what you heard ?
subtext = your wrong, I am not
This song shows him slowly revealing his other half IMHO.
@EnduringChill I agree entirely - note : you think i´m a tough kid , is that what you heard ?
subtext = your wrong, I am not
This song shows him slowly revealing his other half IMHO.