The Human Drive In Hi-Fi Lyrics
This song is about the media and how they try to make up all these horrible things and people start to believe them. "If you keep pretending The world is ending Then you'll be fictionized " And how if u do bleave them ur livng in a fake world. "The people standing in the lines Have seen the film a million times With a pocket full of dimes " The media plays the same story a million times and people keep watching it. Why? I have no idea... I dont even watch the news that much, its all run by republicans, so u always get the republican point of view anyways. My opinion. fuCKYrs, roCKYrs, who cares?
Best CKY song in my opinion
yeah deffintally one of there best songs
This song kicks ass. Cool intro song to CKY Landspeed
I'll admit I only listen to this stuff cos i heard them on jackass but theyre a quality band
It doesn't matter howe you got into CKY, as logn as you're a fan! I first heard them on Jackass too, and I knew stright away they were pure quality!
friends introduced me to the movies... it was all a chain reaction from there... fucking genius group of kids, agree?
I hate bam hes a god damn genius. I love the whole CKY crew, band and videos. Im just extremely jealous. Ever heard the Oil version of this song? Deron sounds so young in it.
this song is very cool! gr8
phucky, the media is extreamly libral...