Stormblåst Lyrics
I fuktig høstvind ober landstrakte vidder
Mot Sorias fjellheim
Kommer jeg, en fandens ridder
Gnidd vekk av regn og vind
Dragende kraft av ondskap lurer
Her ved trollheims muldne grind
Fortumlet av dette mørke byggverk
Med røvet gull fra lyets pakt
Brukt som spott til å senke
Deres murer
Så vakkert fylt med tideløs skumring
Som en stjerne i tomsindighetens juv
Det bringer frem en nattlig mimring
Over tanker fra en vissen tid
Drott til himmels er det reist
Av tidens endeløse svarte minner
Stormblåst ut av det sorte indre
Har bergflint rullet fra mo til kneist
Undring og angst samler seg i natten
I mørket som ruver om spiret
For ingen dag kan veien hit
Intet lys kan luske frem
Og bygd et land på menneskets jord
Fylt med isklad prakt og heder

This is what the english tranlation is
Through timeless, decayed dreams In a moist autumn wind over deserted plains Against Sorias mountains I come, a Devil's Knight
Smooth is the rune on the high mountain Washed away by rain and winds Enchanting force of evil lurks Here at Trollhome's moudly gate Perplexed by the dark building Made of stolen gold from the pact of light Used as mockery to make their walls fall
We ponder over this kingdom So beautiful, filled with timeless dusk As a star in the gorge of emptiness Brings forth a nightly wondering Over thoughts from a long gone time
Straight to the sky it is erected From the endless black memories of time Storm blown out of the black inner Has rock rolled from heath to bottom Wondering and anxiety gather in the night In the darkness looming about the spire For no day knows the way here No light can sneak in
Where sorrow has conquered all joy And built a land on human's earth Filled with ice-cold splendor and glory

I don't have a clue what he is talking about, because I can't understand him, but I like this song, it has a really gloomy feel to it.

yay! thank you darkcitys!!!!! i've been wanting to find the english translation for this song, i've just been too lazy XD

Can anybody tell me what they think its about? I've been wondering and I think its a new world filled with darkness after the satanist or some other people like that destroyed the world. thanks in advance