Foreclosure Of A Dream Lyrics
A plan of dignity and balance for all.
Political breakthrough, euphoria's high.
More borrowed money, more borrowed time.
Backed in a corner, caught up in the race.
Means to an end ended in disgrace.
Perspective is lost in the spirit of the chase.
Foreclosure of a dream,
Those visions never seen,
Until all is lost,
Personal Holocaust.
Foreclosure of a dream.
Are worthless now, dead without a deed.
Slipping away from an iron grip,
Nature's scales are forced to tip,
The heartland cries, loss of all pride.
To leave ain't believing, so try and be tried.
Insufficient funds, insanity and suicide.
This is no hoax, no one pushed out.
Receive a reprieve and be a pioneer.
Break new ground of a new frontier.
New ideas will surely get by.
No deed, or dividend. Some may ask "Why?"
You'll find the solution, the answers in the sky.
A plan of dignity and balance for all.
Political breakthrough, euphoria's high.
More borrowed money, more borrowed time.

This song is how family owned businesses (in this case farming) are being destroyed by large rich conglomerate corporations.

Foreclosure of a Dream is about something that happened with Ellefson's family under the Reagan administration in Hartland, Minnesota. Dave says, "It's about reagonmics and how it took advantage of the real nucleus of America — the farmers."

yeah dude...mustaine is a God. a big fuck you to all the haters, this song is one of my favourite megadeth. but then again, i could say the same thing for about 30 megadeth songs

I'm surprised nobody noted the George H.W Bush sound byte "Read my lips, no new taxes" at 2:00. I think the song is about how politicians promise to do things, and perhaps actually intend to do them, but eventually capitalism takes over and money becomes more important than their dream for the country. Their forced to foreclose on the dream to pay for wars, new government programs etc. Money controls this country, you're free to do what you want until they need your money, then the dream is over.

1 comment????? this song is great, i love the way mustine does holocost at the end, so sad

This song is kickass to play on the guitar. And Dave Mustaine is one of my guitar hero's he fuckin owns.

This song is so sad, it's about normal people who buy the house of their dreams only to become another sub-prime foreclosure statistic.

"You'll find the solution, the answers in the sky." - Am I the only person who thinks Dave is talking about religion in this line? When ever I hear it I think he's talking about his faith in God.
Not likely: This song was released in 1992, and Mustaine wasn't Christian at least until 2003 according to
Not likely: This song was released in 1992, and Mustaine wasn't Christian at least until 2003 according to
yeah...since wikipedia is a credible source...
yeah...since wikipedia is a credible source...
I thought about jets and drones, but your idea seems better.
I thought about jets and drones, but your idea seems better.

I think he is talking about using their land as huge solar collectors for our endless energy consumption. The sun is the answer in the sky. The wind is also in the sky for windmill farms. Like any business, a farm has to grow and change with the times. Just like the folks at the RIAA, the farms are a dying business unless they grow and adapt.
Oh and did the sun and the wind and earth and everything we know now come into existence? It just happened? please try to explain your theory.
Oh and did the sun and the wind and earth and everything we know now come into existence? It just happened? please try to explain your theory.

the song is about how farmers are gettin' screwed over by a gov't who doesn't care about what keeps this nation ticking. all they see is an oppurtunity to fill their wallets a little more. when mustaine says "the answers in the sky" i believe that he is talking about asking God for help. he has openly admitted that he is a christian so i think some of his songs reflect that.
when this was written he wasn't a christian. and i really doubt he'd be writing about farmers specifically. millions of people are screwed every day.
when this was written he wasn't a christian. and i really doubt he'd be writing about farmers specifically. millions of people are screwed every day.
if anything this is saying that regardless of whether someone tries to shut everything down there will always be people there going against the grain.
if anything this is saying that regardless of whether someone tries to shut everything down there will always be people there going against the grain.
I don't think you can say when he was or wasnt a christian. Only he can answer to that. Even if he wasnt, what else could "the answer's in the sky" mean? When we think of heaven we think of it being in the sky. What else is in the sky? Birds, planes, Superman? Nope those dont make sense (well superman kind of). But anyways take it how you want, thats what interpreting the song is about. Relating it to your life.
I don't think you can say when he was or wasnt a christian. Only he can answer to that. Even if he wasnt, what else could "the answer's in the sky" mean? When we think of heaven we think of it being in the sky. What else is in the sky? Birds, planes, Superman? Nope those dont make sense (well superman kind of). But anyways take it how you want, thats what interpreting the song is about. Relating it to your life.