no one bother me.
I don't wanna open my eyes.
I'll lie here in my room.
I have no need to see.
No one wake me I just want to stay in bed.
No one move me I just want to lie right here,
right in my warm bed.
'cause I don't want to see tomorrow.
Here I am so happy,
so just leave me be.
I just want to stay.
I do not bother you so don't you touch me.
Get the fuck away!

this is how is felt when my ex and i couldn't stay together and all i did for 3 days was lay in my bed and then my mom got all worried and it was stange,lol. but this is exactly like i felt. the meaning of the song pretty much stands out by it's self

This song is all about sleep, wonderful rest. ah old school, the best.

I think this song is about being depressed, and just wanting to sleep and never wake up. It is one of my faves of ATASF.

this song is about sleep.

so obvious i think... look at the name of the song. Havent any of you ever drank a bottle of nyquil? you feel really fucked up and stuff... anyway just drink a bottle of cough syrup and see for yourself

reallyits about geting over you problems by overdoseing on Ny-quil. Never wanting to get up, sweet relice, and yet intesified pain. Fucked up is right... i agree on that one.

Nothing like a bottle of Ny-Quil to send you off to dreamland. I think lead singer Davy must of had an addiction to Ny-Quil j/k

Those kind of addictions aren't anything to joke around about, I know about that first hand.

yeah its obvious its about davey depressed and he probably wanted to forget about his problems and stay in bed and sleep so he probably drank a bottle of ny-quil to do that yup i felt like that when i was hurt by my ex and thats exactly how i got rid of the problem i mean by staying in bed

this song describes EXACTLY how i feel getting up for school at 5 am.