Yer Blues Lyrics
If I ain't dead already.
Ooh girl you know the reason why.
In the morning wanna die.
In the evening wanna die.
If I ain't dead already.
Ooh girl you know the reason why.
My mother was of the sky.
My father was of the earth.
But I am of the universe
And you know what it's worth.
I'm lonely, wanna die.
If I ain't dead already.
Ooh girl you know the reason why.
The eagle picks my eye.
The worm he licks my bone.
I feel so suicidal
Just like Dylan's Mr. Jones,
Lonely wanna die.
If I ain't dead already.
Ooh girl you know the reason why.
Black cloud crossed my mind.
Blue mist round my soul.
Feel so suicidal
Even hate my rock and roll.
Wanna die yeah wanna die.
If I ain't dead already.
Ooh girl you know the reason why.
Lennon has said that he was looking for a way out of the Beatles since 1966, and his angst and frustrations come out loud and clear on this heavy blues number. With reference to the line "even hate my rock n roll", Lennon also commonly dismissed much of his work with the Beatles, even going so far as to say that Sgt. Peppers was a piece of garbage. Thus proving that true artists always hate their work, are resentful of those that like it, and offended by those that don't
ooh, wow, should we lay flowers at your altar for having listened to live stuff from the 20s? that is just too cool. clearly you know more than us peons, you with your qualifying and unsubstantiated comments lieke "not as good by far." man, i bet you even peer review. kick ASS.
Thank you for shutting down this ignorant piss ant. :) What a joke!
Thank you for shutting down this ignorant piss ant. :) What a joke!
My mother was of the sky. My father was of the earth. But I am of the universe
I think that he is saying his mother was religious, his dad was secular, but he is of the universe.. meaning all of the above
I came down to the same idea as you except for I didn't know for shure what he meant by being of the universe, it doesn't make sense to me that he is all of the above...
I came down to the same idea as you except for I didn't know for shure what he meant by being of the universe, it doesn't make sense to me that he is all of the above...
My mother was of the sky. My father was of the earth. But I am of the universe
Clearly Osiris. (Brush up on your Ancient Egyptian Mythology). He was the god of the underworld and judged the dead. Kinda thinkin that it has to do with the whole McCartney hoax.
If you've never heard Dylan's Ballad of a Thin Man check it out. Clearly pointed out in this song.
I believe Lennon intended this song to mock the British blues scene. Thus the somewhat facetious title "Yer Blues". I find that this seems particularly true by how exaggerated the suicidal feeling is in the song. Plus, it seems that Lennon included the line, "Even hate my rock and rock", for some irony. Either way, the song comes across quite powerfully. One of my favorites from the White Album.
yea that's what I thought after hearing this a few times. The "even hate my rock and roll" line supported this idea too.
yea that's what I thought after hearing this a few times. The "even hate my rock and roll" line supported this idea too.
I thought for a while that John wrote this song to poke fun at Blues music. This is the first time I read about John's heroin addiction and withdrawals, that's sad.
"My mother was of the sky. My father was of the earth. I am of the universe".
"My mother was of the sky": his mother is deceased, in heaven
"My father was of the earth": his father was alive, and roaming the earth
"I am of the universe": John Lennon was a household name. Everybody knew Lennon/ the Beatles.
Interviewed by Parade Magazine (July 7, 2019, his 79th birthday), Ringo says his favorite song on the White Album is "Yer Blues". His reason might not be the song itself, but the comeraderie. "We were back to being a band [vs. 'studio guys']....We're in a 6-foot room - amps, drums, vocal mics. No separation. It was like, 'Yeah!' " I thought his comment might belong on this website.
great blues beat. Just another example of the versatility of the beatles.
obviously about suicide.