So Sad About Us Lyrics
This is a criticism of American foreign policy dressed up as a break up song. It's written from the point of view of an American citizen. Remember that it was written after the Korean war, with the Bay of Pigs incident in the recent past and the Vietnam war hotting up. You have to read it as 'so sad about U.S.' and then it makes sense. He's saying that the U.S. won't be able to turn back from its current (in 1966) disastrous path. The 'break up' in the song is the break up of Korea into North and South and the inevitable similar path to come in Vietnam. He can't switch off his loving because he loves his country, but his country can't switch off 'the sun' - the threat of nuclear war (a nuclear explosion is so bright it's like looking at the sun). So sad.
wow weird..i wanted to find out more about the who cuz this guy i like (aka my ex) went to their concert so i downloaded some of their songs and this one just describes how i feel perfectly..
after reading those three comments before mine, i am officially depressed
great song though, pretty self-explanatory lyrics
At the beginning of a relationship the LAST thing you'd ever feel or think is:
Bad - never meant to break up Bad - suppose we'll never make up
That's why this is so powerful. Somehow relationships take a turn for the worse and there's no going back. Sad song.