6 Meanings
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I Never Trusted the Russians Lyrics
Yeah I'm eatin' but I'm losing weight again. Like I could faint, faint and fade away.
Song Info
Submitted by
oofus On May 31, 2001
More The Promise Ring
Jersey Shore
Red & Blue Jeans
A Picture Postcard
Happiness Is All The Rage
Nothing Feels Good
I like this, but what exactly does it mean?
I don't really think it's supposed to mean much of anything. Maybe I'm just naive
he's depressed. he probly didnt eat very much for a while, but started again. he's still depressed though so he's not gaining wait. i think this because im the same way...whateva
after a breakup i couldn't stop listening to this. it's about trying to live your daily life as if nothing's wrong, but something is.
or it could be about cancer. i forgot about that part
this song is short and sweet