what is love Lyrics
how'd you get so evil so fast
where's your mom, where's your dad
what did they teach you
did they touch you
i can't believe this happened to you
i promise it's not supposed to be this way
but you have no right to repeat the same
she's not yours this ain't a game
it might do you goo to cut 'em off
better that than to rip her off
you're a thief an abomination
lucky for you i'm no assassin
i love her you distorted her view
God help me not to distort you
blessed that i never met you
i got some words for you
repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near
you stole somethin' that you can't give back
from the one i love
and now she's forced to pray daily
to fight against your flashbacks
blessed that i never met you
your eyes are evil so look away
i'm warnin' you there'll be
hell to pay hell to pay
this boy can't steal whats inside
let my Father hold you up
heal the thoughts that make you throw up
i know this life has been hard on you
but the next will never end
only thing i know to do
is to ask my Father to heal you
the memories the memories
your eyes are evil so look away
i'm warnin you there'll be
hell to pay hell to pay
little girl don't you cry
your beautiful beatuful beautiful
i love you, i love you
Father heal us
won't You hear us
show us Your mercy forever
i love You, i love You
This song talks about a guy who raed someone close to the person who wrote this. He's angry with the guy that did this, but tells him that God will forgiven him if he repents.
The writer's friend (or whatever she is to him) has been violated sexually. He sees the pain that she is going through. The first two verses and the choruses are all about his anger towards the guy that did this to her. He HATES him and desires vengence. In the last two verses, there is a shift in focus to the girl. Once he gets past the anger, all he wants is to help the girl move on and overcome. It's as if he realizes that he can't change what has happened, but instead turns his efforts to dealing with the aftermath. It is a very accurate portrait of human emotion in a situation that few people are willing to talk about.
This song is amazing how the music mirrors his rage but when his lyrics and tone switch to love and compassion, so does the music. This is my favorite song off Engage so far.
This song is so awesome live...I cried my eyes out...it hits kinda close to home... But this song is about Dave's (the lead singer) wife who was raped, and then a non-christian girl he met at one of their shows who told him that she was raped and she was crying and all that...and he wrote this song for them and for the people who violated them
I figured the song was written in part of his wife. I didn't know for sure if she was sexually assaulted or not. I highly admire Dave for his lyrical strength in this song, and his faith abling him to love and cherish his wife after such a thing happened to her. I'm sure that the work towards the relationship was hard and sometimes painful........but obviousily worth the effort because they are now married. God works wonders. Praise the Lord!
yeah, this song IS a true story. and i give mad props to dave for writing it, it is such a good song. the lyrics and emotion are just SO awsome. but, i mean, we can't give all the credit to dave, because, just like he says, he's just a tool that God uses, and he doesn't seek fame with what he writes. so, i guess, mad props to God for letting something good come out of the girl who was raped by letting dave write this awsome song and spread the Word...
To me this song helps me to sleep at night because I was raped alittle over a month ago, and i spend every night crying and trying to figure out what I coulda done to stop what happened. It also helps me to remember who to turn to when i need help. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Beautiful song...God is sooo good when you call on him and need him! Pax217 is definetly gifted!
wow, so powerful! cried out, HE is the almighty healer, he will hold you. this song, even though i wasn't raped, hits home because i can relate to the anger he has toward the rapist, and toward the girl. the words just speak to me. "you're beautiful, i love you, i love you." Jesus rocks!
again like Cried out.. i was raped by my then boyfriend when i was in ninth grade.. and that was 4 years ago. this song has been my only way to vent and realease.. i pray a lot although i am not religious... and it seems as though when i am having flashbacks this song can make it go away.. i am so greatful for pax 217 to write this song