14 Meanings
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Roses Are Red Lyrics

Roses are red and violets are blue - honey is sweet but not as sweet as you
Roses are red and violets are blue

Dam didadida - Dam didadida - Dam didadida
Dam didadida - Dam didadida - Dam didadida - come pick my roses

Sweet from the flowers - honey from the bees - I’ve got a feeling I’m ready to release
Roses are red and violets are blue - honey is sweet but not as sweet as you

It’s invisible - but so touchable - and I can feel it on my body - so emotional
I’m on a ride - on a ride - I’m a passenger - I’m a victim of a hard love messenger

Dam didadida - Dam didadida - Dam didadida - the only thing he said was
Dam didadida - Dam didadida - Dam didadida - that roses are red

Come with me baby - please fulfil my wish - show it to me truly, show me with a kiss
Roses are red and violets are blue - honey is sweet but not as sweet as you

It’s invisible - but so touchable - and I can feel it on my body - so emotional
I’m on a ride - on a ride - I’m a passenger - I’m a victim of a hard love messenger

Dam didadida - Dam didadida - Dam didadida - the only thing he said was
Dam didadida - Dam didadida - Dam didadida - that roses are red

Dam didadida - Dam didadida - Dam didadida - the only thing he said was
Dam didadida - Dam didadida - Dam didadida

Dam didadida - Dam didadida - Dam didadida - don’t take my roses away

Dam didadida - Dam didadida - Dam didadida - the only thing he said was
Dam didadida - Dam didadida - Dam didadida - my roses are red
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14 Meanings

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Cover art for Roses Are Red lyrics by Aqua

this song is cool....i love listening to it.

Cover art for Roses Are Red lyrics by Aqua

This seems like its about an orgasm. I've been reading all Aqua's lyrics and I am suprised that they are all actually about stuff. I always thought they were about nothing. But then again, I never really listened to Aqua.

Cover art for Roses Are Red lyrics by Aqua

every person is thinking that as i I thinking but So Am not . In this songs when a flower release sweet honey but its eyes are red from blood . when the bee creat a nist so MooomVax release from that made up candle. when the candle burn and it light seem a (Incects). what happence he love and die . so the red flowers are red and his heart and eyes are also red . (The only things he was said . My roses are red). red and hurted. I am just say that I am got this meaning from this songs

Cover art for Roses Are Red lyrics by Aqua

I didn't really understand the last response but I think I get it and I think the part about love dying is part right... i think..

Cover art for Roses Are Red lyrics by Aqua



Cover art for Roses Are Red lyrics by Aqua

that part was random. "Come pick my roses" ^^

Cover art for Roses Are Red lyrics by Aqua

LMAO, I agree. This song always did remind me vaguely of like, an orgasm. And the male voice always cracks me up for some reason. Very catchy though.

Cover art for Roses Are Red lyrics by Aqua

Actually, quite a few of Aqua's songs have an underlying sexual meaning if you read the lyrics right.

Re-read the lyrics for Barbie Girl thinking what I just wrote and you'll understand what I mean. This song is the same way. It absolutely has deeper sexual meaning. "I'm a victim of a hard love messenger"? Come on, what do you think it means? :)

Cover art for Roses Are Red lyrics by Aqua

Yea.. This song is definitely sexual. Whatever gotan said up there made so sense at all, lol.

But anyways, this song is pretty sweet (as are all Aqua songs). The beginning is the best, when he's like "come pick my roses" and then there's that little techo/dance beat playing. That part makes me wanna dance. :]

Cover art for Roses Are Red lyrics by Aqua

I honestly believe that this song is about sex. "My Roses are red"... Yeah, I mean, I've used the term "Come Pick my Flower" before to my last ex on the phone. And I highly agree that this song is about having an orgasm. But, also, I was wondering if it could be a song about virginity, in a way.

"Don't Take My Roses Away!" But, that could also mean "Don't stop, don't take this away!"

This is a wonderful song to move your body to, though.