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Strawberry Blonde Lyrics

she was not the girl next door
but the girl from 'round the corner
it was at the tail end of grade four
when she came to school one morning
and all eyes were upon her as she took her seat
her name was Amanda with pretty eyes of green
and hair of blonde, strawberry blonde

springtime and dandelions
and summer 'round the corner
was at the tail end of age nine
with a million dreams before her
she lived with her mother in an old decrepit house
if there was trouble she kept it to herself
all summer long, the strawberry blonde

and by her face there was no way to tell
it seemed like all was well in her world
but the neighbours said
her mother had lost her will
to gin and sleeping pills
it was no life for a little girl

still I see her face framed in blue sky
at the top of a slide coming down
and when the sirens wailed
(her mother had failed to rise)
all the neighbours stood outside
as Amanda just stared at the ground

time flies and years are piled
I'd forgotten all about her
when I saw her down the aisle
of a streetcar with her daughter
then I heard Amanda say as she got up
"c'mon Samantha, girl, this is our stop"
and they were gone
two strawberry blondes
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Cover art for Strawberry Blonde lyrics by Ron Sexsmith

I'm old enough to have been searching for "And The Band Played On" when I found this heart-wrenching song. I immediately loved the tone and then was touched by the story. It reminded me of my aging father saying (with his great grand daughter on his lap): life goes on ....

Cover art for Strawberry Blonde lyrics by Ron Sexsmith

My best blond best friend took care of his blond little brother while going deeper and deeper into addiction. One day, when I was out of the country, I got a call from little TC, heavily into pills himself, that his big brother took an overdose and was in hospital. He sounded too quiet on the phone. When I got back, my best friend was in a mental institution he'll never leave and TC was waiting for me sedately on the stairs. He was shipped off to his cold father soon afterwards. This song, to me, is about them, and how secrets stay in the family until it's torn apart.

Cover art for Strawberry Blonde lyrics by Ron Sexsmith

I am absolutely dumb-founded why there are hardly any Ron Sexsmith comments for any of his songs. Many are heart-wrenching and put you in perhaps the greyest of moods, but the songs are beautiful (this song meanwhile has an upbeat tempo but somber subject matter). "Strawberry Blonde" takes me back to every time I go back to my hometown. Invariably, I'll recognize a past girlfriend or infatuation as a grocery store clerk, or a bartender, and so on and I wonder "What would have happened if..." This song to me is a 4-minute musical tale of a memory lasting for about 10 seconds, because the mind just races so fast and all of a sudden... the moment is gone.