Dead On Time Lyrics
umm....matheson.....QUIT YOUR BITCHING
It doesn't have to be spelled with a capital. If you believe in the christian god then sure. but they could be talking about any god.
Great use of a thunderstorm on this song...
Lyrics missing: it's "stamping on the ceiling, hammering on the walls".
This is actually one of my favourite songs off Jazz. I love the first verse.
Didn't think this type of song would be on "Jazz" of all albums. Jus so fast, heavy-esque, and damn kewl :)
Probably 'bout how we live at a rushed, accelerated pace, but in the end, death will catch up to us.
Missing verse: "Oooh, honey, honey gotta get laid Where's my money, where's my money Wanna get paid, wanna get paid Leisure leisure leisure"
This song made me think of a fast-paced, overweight business guy carrying a briefcase and rushing down the streets of New York City, talking on his cell phone. He's always in a rush to get to his next meeting or appointment so he really doesn't have much time for himself, let alone others. Then one day, he drops dead from a heart attack. The end!
This song is about an over achiever who is always concerned about making money. He is too busy to have a relationship therefore pays for sex. He has never taken time to appreciate the simple things and suddenly life is over. Tremendous song with crashing thunder at the end courtesy of god.
Everyones right, its about business man who dies and has nothing to leave, a wasted life u cud say
Well i don´t know , but that song rocks.
I always thought it was about how life's all filled with stress. Especially due to careers, money etc. and that it's important to just slow down and relax otherwise you might end up...dead.