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The Myth Is Real, Let's Eat Lyrics
in san francisco you can be mayor at 18 but ya gotta be 26 to drive a cab what goes on is not what we're told to see patrick henry said "give me liberty or death" at the time he owned 65 slaves the myth is real - let's eat fake patriots say you can't burn the flag but guess who whines the most 'bout having to pay taxes to their country decay decline cover up refine dow jones where's home when everything we lean on is up for sale ad lady purrs, "drink our liquor, you'll get laid" next billboard says, "don't drink and drive" what goes on is not what we're told to see panic! panic! war on drugs but you can buy beer at gas stations the myth is real - let's eat pagan priests first used perfume to mask the smell of burning flesh back in ancient rome the statues were unscrewed leaders change - just replace the heads decay decline cover up refine we are in life roulette wheel or the ball inside anyone out there stopped to think what our lives might be like today if karl marx was as good a salesman as walt disney the bacon brought you home to cook the lobster lets itself get boiled looks too hard to climb out of the pot with all the crabs fear the unknown who taught you that? one hundred million trees a year get made into junk mail no one reads what goes on is not what we're told to see half of all americans don't read books i'm one of them, but you're reading this the myth is real - let's eat general robert e. lee freed his slaves before grant freed his brian willson's legs severed by a train the crew sues him for stress levis were once made of hemp * from the marijuana plant one acre makes four times more paper than an acre of trees more protein than soy beans threat to logging companies du pont and tobacco barons got it banned in '37 the world is made of connections so many sheep in wolf's clothing scary times are never dull how long before our empire falls no one wants the pentagon toilets for six hundred bucks japanese spend twice as much on pinball as defense meanwhile concerned citizens in albany, oregon try to ban a book 'cos it makes fun of santa claus we're told 80% of people like the president in the polls while only 15% believe he's in control and 64% of lowans surveyed want to be reincarnated as themselves wowee...