Der Vampir Und Dessen Verwandlung Lyrics
tief in mein stöhnen herz gedrungen
du, die einem dämon gleich
von wildem übermut bezwungen
gekommen ist, in meinem sinn
zu herrschen und sich einzubetten
du schmach, der ich verhaftet bin,
so wie der sträfling seinen ketten
so wie der trinker seinem glase
so wie die made ihrem aase
verflucht bist du, du bist verflucht!
den raschen dolch hab ich beschworen
daß er die freiheit mir erzwingt
das gift hab ich umsonst erkoren
daß es dem feigling hilfe bringt
ach! gift und dolch mich nur verlachen
verächtlich sprechen alle zwei:
von so verworfner sklaverei
du tor! wenn dich von diesem schrecken
einst auch erlöste unsre kraft
so würde dein leidenschaft
noch deines vampirs leiche wecken"
mit erdbeerfarbenem munde
sich winded schlangengleich
auf heißem grunde
die festen brüste in das mieder eingeschnürt
es sprach ein wort aus
das wie ambrahauch verführt

a dark and wonderful song mainly about getting a vampire!

Anyone know a good English translation to this song...? My German sucks. >

Ok, I'm going to attempt a translation, because I cannot find one elsewhere. Please don't hate me if it is terrible...
"You, like/as a deathstroke deep in my groan[ing] heart penetrated You, the same demon of wild insolence subdued it is coming, in my sense[es] to rule and to embed itself You disgrace so [that] I am arrested So as/like the convict I am chained
So as/like the player [game?] it is seeking So as/like the drinker it is glassing [?] So as/like the maggot it is...[?] You are flattened, you are flattened! I have burdened the quick dagger That is the freedom [that to] me forces The poison I had for nothing elected That is the cowardly help [that] brings Alas! Poison and daggar I only...[?] contemptuous[ly] speaks all two:
'You are not valued...[???] of so...[?]...slavery You gate! When you of this fright once also redeemed your strength so became your passion yet your vampire corpse awakens.'"
That is all I have time for now...damn it sucks. >

"The white meanwhile with strawberry colored mouths itself winded the same as a snake out of hot reason the firm breasts tied up in the bodice it expresses a word that is like at a breath also [can't translate this word]
'On my lips lies an enamel, became that conscience to me on the alcove deeply buried the tears dry quickly on my pounding breast, the old men laugh, like the childhood desire who coverless and naked sees me, [can't translate this word] gladly on moon and sun and the sky and the stars I am, my wiser friend, sent in my art, when terribly the weakened man stretches my arm over, and his wild bit blooms [supposed to referr to an erect penis, I suppose] my breast toward so weakly and strongly at the same time, so shy and audacious. Even angels would give on the bed itself wild and hot that yet that are sexless, for me of the hell praise.'
Organize as out of that and sucked all my marks [tried to make that make sense...] and as I am groaning on the down arch to the long favorite/dear kiss, there I will no longer see a tube laying across from me, with slime and puss heavily I lock the eyes quickly in the [frosty?] [can't translate this word], around me tomorrow [doesn't make sense...] newly to your raised yet [to] me to the side at that monstrous palace, that completely, so I believed, from my blood satisfied, there it was a rattling skeleton alone to see abominably rattling as/like the turned weathervane and as/like [the end of a cliff?] on the irons are fastened The rattle itself moved in the storm of the winter night."
Okay, a lot of it didn't make much sense, but there it is.