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Led Zeppelin – Kashmir Lyrics 23 years ago
Jimmy Page is an idiot for pimping out this song to Puff Daddy, that stupid wanker who, just like all the other brain dead rap """"artists"""" hasn't evver written a good song in his life. What is 100000 times worse is that i hear that Page is now pimping out Stairway to Heaven to him....

Pink Floyd – Corporal Clegg Lyrics 23 years ago
it's not that bad,
Dave/waters/whoever wrote it was probably thinking about annoying war veterans or something.

Pink Floyd – Bike Lyrics 23 years ago
This is one of my favourite early-floyd songs. ToolRulz, go to hell you fool this song is great. Don't even bother talking about Pink Floyd if you can't even appreciate the originality and freedom of art.

I laughed out loud at this
"yeah ok your an idiot too halflife.who the hell do u think you are?A fucking genious? "
You can't even spell the word.

Pink Floyd – Echoes Lyrics 23 years ago
Best Song Evere in my honest opinion, the lyrics are totally extraordinary and strangly hard to decipher.

This is about a legendary land somewhere in the ocean (or perhaps it is about the entire earth before we humans developed our stucture of society?) where people are totally free and there is no oppression by others. You are woken only by the rising sun and are not bound to anyone or anything. No one lies or tries to decieve you, or hide anything from you. And the fact that this song is called Echoes tells me that this land does not actually exist any more, i.e. there remains only echoes of it.

This song is quite like the book "The Beach" by Alex Garland. Both have the idea of a place without the worries of modern society, where you live a more free, but also very decedant way of life.

The lyrics are incredibly beautiful, especially that verse with "a million bright ambassadors of morning". What a way to describe rays of light! And like IcedPachyderm I love that use of "green and submarine". I love the sing song voice of this, which is also shared by alot of the songs on the early to mid Pink Floyd albums.

Pink Floyd – Coming Back to Life Lyrics 23 years ago
I agree i think the latter Pink Floyd driven by David Gilmour kicks Roger Water's Pink Floyd's ass - with a few exceptions of cause.
This is one of the best Pink Floyd songs ever, the lyrics are beautiful and literally send shivers down my spine...

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