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Colin Hay – Overkill Lyrics 12 years ago
This song is about a man who has intense anxiety hence "when my heartbeat shows the fear" and he's worrying at night about situations, perhaps he's thinking too much into it? He's obviously also scared about something within relationships, which could be from something in the distant past as he sings about ghosts and their gradule dissapearane and reapparance.

Bonnie 'Prince' Billy – I See A Darkness Lyrics 12 years ago
It's worthy to note before I go on; that this is my analysis of the song. If you have gotton something special from this song and don't want that view challenged, please don't read this comment.

I believe this song is groslly misinterpreted as a song about depression and suicide. Though these appear to be strongly linked and could be argued as an after effect, I think there is something more than just that. I think this song is about a person battle with a dark past.

Firstly we have:

"well you're my friend
(it's what you told me)
and can you see
(what's inside of me)"

The bracketed part of the song and how it's sung is absoultely relevant and extremely important. The reason is this person isn't even sure of what appears to be a strong bond between him and someone else (I believe he's singing about his close friend, not his brother). Thus, this person isn't even sure how much he's given away, let alone what he's willing to.

"many times
we've been out drinking
and many times
we've shared our thoughts
but did you ever, ever notice
the kind of thoughts I got"

You could read this and think 'ah he's thinking about suicide'. No, again; I feel there is a harbouring for a dark secret, perhaps even a hidden part that he has shared in a very covert way and is essentially testing his friend.

"well you know I have a love
a love for everyone I know
and you know I have a drive
to live I won't let go"
The singer here, is admitting that despite the darkness he feels inside of him; he won't give up.

"but can you see its opposition
comes a-rising up sometimes
that it's dreadful and position
comes blacking in my mind"
It becomes more apparent here with the 'blacking in my mind' part, as often enough anyone with significant trauma will block parts out of their past and these deep emotional thoughts have to be recalled from a part of his mind that is so distant, so dark it's 'blackening' his mind when he recalls it.

"and that I see a darkness
and that I see a darkness
and that I see a darkness
and that I see a darkness
and did you know how much I love you
is a hope that somehow you you
can save me from this darkness"

So now the singer has these thoughts, they've came from a dark part of his mind and he has so much love to give, he hopes his friend recognises this and saves him from the intense feelings and thoughts - but it must come from the friend as opposed to the singer himself (he wants to be rescued).

"well I hope that someday, buddy
we have peace in our lives
together or apart
alone or with our wives"
Still not convinced? Well he's longing for peace and is plagued (can be easily interpreted as dealing with depression, it wouldn't be wrong either!). It seems quite obvious to me that this individual is struggling with relationships, because of this; he's not even sure if he has the strength to continue his 'facade.

"that we can stop our whoring
and pull the smiles inside
and light it up forever
and never go to sleep
my best unbeaten brother
this isn't all I see"

Still not convinced? Well this is pretty obvious. The singer is concious the damage he's doing and all he wants to do is take the extroverted view other people have of him (smiley, happy) and pull it inside so his darkness is replaced with a light that allows him to have a happier and more peaceful life. Obviously the very last two lines refer to his damaged friend (who he hopes can empathise with him) and that 'this isn't all i see" can translate to someone who is much more emotionaly deep then letting off.

Kings of Leon – Closer Lyrics 13 years ago
I thought this song was about how the life can be sucked out of someone and how a person feels "defeated" in a relationship and has just lost all hope.

Then I read the vampire reference and thought yeah, it does make sense but why go through all that trouble to make it so emotional? The singer sings with such strength and effort its an obvious statement that he wants to tell us something but is using the vampire story as a cover.

Nine Inch Nails – Something I Can Never Have Lyrics 13 years ago
People may believe this song is a reference to his heroin habbit, but I dont think it is.

He's not having an internal debate about taking "one last hit" or kicking the habbit.

He's having an epiphany and he's trying to debate with himselve, whether or not he should kill himself and he recalls to a time in his life that was happy, whilst making a reference to the fact he has little things to go on in the present. When he reflects upon his life, he feels angered that he's not as happy as he used to be and he knows that he has only one real shot at making things work.

Audioslave – Like a Stone Lyrics 13 years ago
I used to think this song was about a relationship he had that he regretted ending, then I recognised the book reference was towards religion and heaven, I think its because I never read the lyrics.

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