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London Grammar – Strong Lyrics 10 years ago
I tend to agree that this song is definitely about some type of disappointment or lost expectations.

Judging from the official video for this song, it might be about growing up and realizing that our parents are not the the super-humans we make them out to be as young children. As we grow up, our parents' flaws become more apparent and we start to realize they are only human and they need us as much as we need them. That could make some feel caught in the middle.

Perhaps a deeper interpretation is that this song is about someone who was raised by a parent with a personality disorder or psychosis. Such a parent may be inconsistent in both nurturing and beating them, thereby causing them to feel caught in the middle about their affections for that parent. It would take a great deal of strength to hold on to such a parent.

Then again, it could simply be about a relationship gone bad due to both lovers having mixed feelings about upholding their end of the bond. That would certainly put both of them caught in the middle.

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