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Chevelle – Emotional Drought Lyrics 14 years ago
I see this song fairly clearly....I think. "New minds" are new converts to Christianity, "the worst of the inside" are those that have drown themselves in doctrine and have no gray left in their God, so black and white that they "take our pencils away and end creating". Christians think that they have the whole thing figured out and they have missed the boat completely. I am not talking about doctrine or theology, I am talking about our actions. The way we do what we do is wrong. And "there is a choice to not end up like" the rest of them. We act like non-Christians are a disease that we "try to never touch". And we huddle ourselves in these creativity free buildings we call churches and have "wretched debates" that have no room for actions that involve the loving, be-friending, and emptying of ourselves for our non-Christian brothers. We could care less about "diplomacy" in our current situation, we tell them the doors our open and they are welcome to come in any time they would like (but what non-Chrstian in their right mind would want to). We do not GO OUT and do as much as "gain back a handshake". We are too "tied" up in our little sub-culture and our ideas that good works are useless that we don't even bother trying to "tend to the wounds that were made" by our stupid religion. Hate religion, love people, do not fall "so much closer to shame".....STOP trying to "never touch"...SEARCH FOR TRUTH. DO NOT "keep holding back your conscience". Please fall out of line, lash out against the horrible things that are going on in our churches every day. Check your motives at the door.

If you are a new convert to Christianity (if we have not isolated ourselves too much yet and one of you actually does exist) this song bears great hope....there is a choice to not end up like the rest of the Christians around you. Just because you are diffrent then them does not make you less of a Christian, it just might make you more of one. Keep your mind open, keep your heart available to everyone (the non-Christians more so than saved ones hiding in their cute neat clean subculture). Please do not end up like the ones at the end of this song.

It is possible that the worst
of the inside
could take YOUR pencils away
end creating
DON'T LET the teachers lay waste
to YOUR new mind.

Emotional drought is sometimes perfectly ok, you are not now called to be happy all the time feeling comfortable and warm inside.

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