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Morrissey – Suedehead Lyrics 15 years ago
I'm surprised no one has stated the obvious.

The literal meaning of this song is quite simple:

Person "A" broke it off with person "B" cos "B" violated "A's" trust/boundaries by reading "A"s" diary (I'm so sickened now).

Although the relationship has ended, "A" still cares about "B", and feels sorry that things had to end.

However person "B" continues to bother "A", most likely as an attempt to reconcile, by coming around and attempting communication (why do you come here, why do you hang around, why do you telephone, why send me silly notes).

-Just think about your last crazy, controlling, insecure ex and it all makes perfect sense. ;-/

Morrissey – Suedehead Lyrics 15 years ago
"Or that There Is A Light That Never Goes Out is about riding a bike around Manchester."

infotainment lad: don't you mean "Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before"?

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