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Sinead O'Connor – Thank You For Hearing Me Lyrics 12 years ago
For some reason, I always imagined my cat came into my room and and sang this song while I was asleep.

Sinead O'Connor – Thank You For Hearing Me Lyrics 12 years ago
For some reason, I always imagined my cat came into my room and and sang this song while I was asleep.

Nelly Furtado – All Good Things Lyrics 14 years ago
Wow, what an AMAZING song!

First off, it's pretty simple what this song is about. It's really both a lamentation of how everything falls apart, and at the same time a celebration of its short-lived beauty, especially that of love. Furthermore, it criticizes the way we live our lives away from the present moment, chasing happiness on the outside, when true happiness comes from the inside.

With that said, I wouldn't pay TOO much attention to the lyrics - especially that of the wolves. Ask any lyricist if all songs make sense, and they'll laugh at you - very few do. A true message is sent not with words and clear-cut description, but with the mood they set and the emotion they can bring out in a person. The wolves part may not make a lot of sense on paper, but all the associations that it brings out are the important part. For me, a wolf howling at the moon represents that longing we all feel, that empty space in our heart, no matter how happy we are... like we are separate from something, and that all we want is to be back with it.

Nine Inch Nails – Closer Lyrics 15 years ago
It isn't as simple as "Lets fuck! You make me happy!" The man who the song is about is obviously a man who has not found happiness or meaning in life, and with a level of self-disgust finds himself only getting pleasure out of something as unenlightened as fuckage. I think the words "like an ANIMAL" are important, as he has strayed from his spiritual human side.

Iron Maiden – Hallowed Be Thy Name Lyrics 15 years ago
I don't get where people get a pro-atheist or anti-God message from this song at all. I suppose people are just seeing what they want to see in the song.

With that said, it is very, very clear that the man in the song is a spiritual and/or religious person and not only carries this with him until his death, but embraces it during his final moments and tells others to do the same.

Throughout the song, we see that the man, who is innocent, is quickly coming to terms with his misfortune, only to eventually realize that he really had nothing to be worrying about. The last several lines are actually after he has died, I think (hence the past tense). He telling us that "Life down there (on Earth, a lower state of being) is just a strange illusion, and isn't worth throwing a huge fuss about.

I think the final line tells us that... when we know our time is up, when we are face to face with God (whatever he may be), most of us realize this.

Nine Inch Nails – Right Where It Belongs Lyrics 15 years ago
I'm on the side that this song is definitely not about drugs, but is simply about philosophy and the nature of reality. For that reason, it could be said to be an extremely Buddhist song, and the meaning is pretty simple in my opinion:

What if you found out *this* - this thing surrounding us - isn't really quite as it seems? That perhaps it's not quite as "really existent" as we just assume it is? That the distinctions we make do not exist? What if you could dig deeper into discovering your true nature? Would you be scared?

Nine Inch Nails – The Great Below Lyrics 15 years ago
True. "The sound of death." Couldn't have said it better.

U2 – Beautiful Day Lyrics 15 years ago
The meaning is simple. Stop worrying, and just take a moment to be awash in and appreciate the beauty of the universe.

Nine Inch Nails – The Great Below Lyrics 15 years ago
Very close. This is what I've always taken from it, except that he dies and is reborn in a lower state, yet still does hold onto a vague sense of hope which he will eventually use to get himself out. He can still feel "God" - virtue - righteousness - etc, even though he is so incredibly far from it.

Nine Inch Nails – The Great Below Lyrics 15 years ago
Here is my longer explanation of how I see it. I may very well be off, but I like the way I see it quite a bit.

Paragraph 1:

"Staring at the sea. Will she come"

is him near death, and wondering when its coming. He is staring into the void, wondering when it will finally come.

"Is there hope for me, after all is said and done."

Is him wondering if there is any hope for him in the afterlife/reincarnation, because he knows he has done some truly terrible things and pissed his life away. "All of this for you" further states this - he tried to get or accumulate whatever he could while chasing "true happiness," but he never actually got it.

" all the world has closed her eyes
tired faith all worn and thin
for all we could have done
and all that could have been"

This is where it becomes clear that the universe doesn't completely care if you feel bad about it now, because what was done will done and you will reap what you sow. He now begins lamenting even further how much he wasted his life, and how much he could have done.

"ocean pulls me close
and whispers in my ear
the destiny I've chose
all becoming clear
the currents have their say
the time is drawing near
washes me away
makes me disappear

He is dying, and his sins and their effects are becoming increasingly clear. There is little time to think, everything is moving too fast. At last, he dies - he is washed away, out of existence. In the next paragraph, after death, he falls from his God-given chance at life into a lower state of being. He knows that it is where he belongs.

U2 – Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of Lyrics 15 years ago
Very Buddhist lyrics! Don't get caught up in any sorrow or pain that comes your way, because it will pass. There is no point to get all serious about it.

U2 – One Lyrics 15 years ago
Um, wow. No.

Nine Inch Nails – The Great Below Lyrics 15 years ago
Like most people, I think the song mostly has to do with death. However, I think the song is more about a man, near death, realizing that he has done some really terrible things, abandoned virtue, and is going to have to pay for it real, real soon. He is lamenting it, but at the same time, he knows that he deserves it.

Stereophonics – Maybe Tomorrow Lyrics 15 years ago
Its meaning is pretty simple. He's not happy and he's hoping that someday he will be.

Simon and Garfunkel – Mrs. Robinson Lyrics 15 years ago
"I'm not really sure what to say about the song being about Mrs. Roosevelt. In it's own cotext, the song seems to be about the loss of innocence of the post-war traditions to the unstable times of the 1960's. Joe Di Maggio represents the older, more wholesome times after World War II while Mrs. Robinson is an example of how the traditions have been perverted and ruined. For instance, rather than being a faithful wife and mother, she's had an affair. Another instance of this is how she seems to not have an interest in Jesus and just what could be called "common decency".

It's a great song though. Really sums up the state of things. Quite insightful."


MGMT – Time to Pretend Lyrics 15 years ago
I agree that is what its about, but IMO that is a pretty shitty message.

Jeff Buckley – Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen cover) Lyrics 15 years ago
Rather than celebrating love, I actually find it to be kind of cynical of love. If it was really celebrating love, it would at very least not be so depressing lyrically. I think the last verse really makes it clear. The way I take it, the song is about how ultimately all of us are here on Earth doing the same thing, always chasing that indescribable "it" that will make us whole, complete, and happy. Many of us think that this "it" is love, but in the end, love is just as cold and broken as anything else.

Bette Midler – The Rose Lyrics 15 years ago
This is one of my favorite songs. It really isn't just the cheesy, over-the-top 80's love tune that so many make it out to be.

In fact, I really don't think it is a song that is necessarily about ROMANTIC love. Rather, it is a poem on how one should approach and live life. Only YOU can determine whether or not there will be love in your life. This is what she means when she says "I say love, it is a flower... and you... it's only seed." Only YOU have the power to fill your world with love. TRUE love, not romantic love. Romantic love, as beautiful as it is, is too often an illusion of Hollywood. True love is lasts forever, regardless if you receive any back.

Furthermore, it teaches us that just because there is suffering doesn't mean we should run from it. In fact, the five or six most powerful lines in the song are dedicated to making this point. It is suffering, hardship, and not getting what we want that ultimately teaches us how valuable life is and how deeply it should be appreciated. Instead of running from these things under the naive illusion that life is supposed to be perfect, it is better to accept them (not in a defeatist way, of course).

Anyway, thats my two cents.

Bette Midler – The Rose Lyrics 15 years ago
This is one of my favorite songs. It really isn't just the cheesy, over-the-top 80's love tune that so many make it out to be.

In fact, I really don't think it is a song that is necessarily about ROMANTIC love. Rather, it is a poem on how one should approach and live life. Only YOU can determine whether or not there will be love in your life. This is what she means when she says "I say love, it is a flower... and you... it's only seed." Only YOU have the power to fill your world with love. TRUE love, not romantic love. Romantic love, as beautiful as it is, is too often an illusion of Hollywood. True love is lasts forever, regardless if you receive any back.

Furthermore, it teaches us that just because there is suffering doesn't mean we should run from it. In fact, the five or six most powerful lines in the song are dedicated to making this point. It is suffering, hardship, and not getting what we want that ultimately teaches us how valuable life is and how deeply it should be appreciated. Instead of running from these things under the naive illusion that life is supposed to be perfect, it is better to accept them (not in a defeatist way, of course).

Anyway, thats my two cents.

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