The Doors – Riders On The Storm Lyrics | 16 years ago |
[Riders on the storm] Well, life is hell, impredictable. [Into this house we're born, Into this world we're thrown Like a dog without a bone, An actor out alone] We are here, but why? Life is unfair, stupid, senseless.. we are just like a gods without a bone, beings without purpose. There's a killer on the road, His brain is squirmin' like a toad [Gotta love your man, yeah, Wow!] We have to love, society tell us that. But if life makes no sense at all, why sould we care about it? Life is all about living the absurd. I have doubts in the part of the serial killer. Maybe, as Jim is a clear nihilist, is a metaphore of death, the only thing that will happen for sure in our lives. (just my point, to understand this song study some philosophy) |
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