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Modest Mouse – The Ground Walks, with Time in a Box Lyrics 9 years ago
After watching the video with the clear references to Game of Thrones, I think this is about our obsession with electronics in particular Television which distracts us from the real things going on like the destruction of the planet.

Marilyn Manson – Third Day of a Seven Day Binge Lyrics 9 years ago
I think this is about reuniting with a former lover, knowing it's not good but enjoying it at the same time. It's a binge because they are like an addiction or a drug that you can't completely quit.

Bread – Guitar Man Lyrics 9 years ago
This song is about a man that lives on women's couches, stealing their medications and robbing them blind.

Modest Mouse – Night on the Sun Lyrics 9 years ago
Just a thought, thinking about the meaning of Here it Comes, which is obviously not being able to enjoy yourself because sooner or later the sh&t always hits the fan. I think Night on the Sun is the stage after the proverbial sh&t hits the fan, the lights go out it's dark and tying this to drug references you start using again because things are bad.

Modest Mouse – Lives Lyrics 10 years ago
Could the My Mom's a Witch lyric be a reference to Metallica's/Diamond Head song Am I Evil? Just a thought...

Florence + the Machine – Kiss with a Fist Lyrics 11 years ago
It is in Jennifer's Body.

Bat for Lashes – Daniel Lyrics 11 years ago
Ralph Macchio in the Karate Kid was my first crush too. I saw the Karate Kid on my 11th birthday and prior to that I had NO interest in boys but Daniel Larusso awakened feelings in me that were never there before. Television and movies create unrealistic expectations for love and it is depressing as hell when you realize these will never be fulfilled. I believe this is what the singer/writer is alluding to.

Jack White – Freedom At 21 Lyrics 11 years ago
From Songfacts: White explained the song's meaning to NME: "This is about 21st mortality. There's a lot of new technology, but back in the day when the telephone was invented people were taught telephone etiquette. And I think now as new inventions are created, there's no class that goes along with this."

I think there is a lot more going on here than just a reference to technology ,especially since he is using the word 'she'. Women for the first time ever have more freedoms than any other century. Also, domestic violence was not a punishable crime until about 100 years ago. (I am only speaking in terms of the U.S.) The line 'take me down to the police station and charge me assault' I believe is a reference to this. Basically, men have always ruled the world and still do but women finally have nearly as much freedom as men.

Modest Mouse – Here It Comes Lyrics 11 years ago
I think this song it is about experiencing periods of time where everything is going great but you are afraid to be happy because you know that eventually something bad will happen.

Modest Mouse – Space Travel Is Boring Lyrics 12 years ago
This song and a lot of the songs on this particular album remind me of short stories written my Ray Bradbury.

Tom Petty – Here Comes My Girl Lyrics 12 years ago
This makes me miss my X. The world doesn't seem as scary when he's around.

Rise Against – Savior Lyrics 12 years ago
I agree with korruptakitty 100%, definitely a song about a younger man in love with an older woman. I've read a bunch of these other comments and people are reading way too much into this song. Some of the comments are hilarious! This isn't Modest Mouse folks, just a simple rock band.

Foo Fighters – Walk Lyrics 12 years ago
I agree with a couple of the other posters in that this song is about falling down and getting back up again. The paper mountains could symbolize anything - goals, relationships, maybe even beliefs that were destroyed. But you can't let that destroy you, get your butt up and move on because life is short and there are plenty of other paths you can take.

Fleetwood Mac – Dreams Lyrics 13 years ago
I hope things turned around for you. Kind of curious...

The Band Perry – If I Die Young Lyrics 13 years ago
I believe the meaning of this song is very literal. I lost my son who was only 14 last February to a freak car accident. This is the first song about death I have heard that really touched me. I literally cried for an hour after hearing it for the first time. I love the line about the rainbow shining down on their mother. I spent 30 days in the hospital watching my son die and I had hours and hours to think about how short life is and the things we stress over on a daily basis dont' matter much in the end.

I'm really sad at how many young women believe this song is about suicide, which leads me to believe that they are contemplating it. Please don't, it's a selfish act and things will get better. Appreciate what you have now and enjoy your life everyday.

The Band Perry – If I Die Young Lyrics 13 years ago
I believe the meaning of this song is very literal. I lost my son who was only 14 last February to a freak car accident. This is the first song about death I have heard that really touched me. I literally cried for an hour after hearing it for the first time. I love the line about the rainbow shining down on their mother. I spent 30 days in the hospital watching my son die and I had hours and hours to think about how short life is and the things we stress over on a daily basis dont' matter much in the end.

I'm really sad at how many young women believe this song is about suicide, which leads me to believe that they are contemplating it. Please don't, it's a selfish act and things will get better. Appreciate what you have now and enjoy your life everyday.

Too $hort – Domestic Violence Lyrics 13 years ago
I've been going through this crap for several years....this situation is for real. I'm going to print these lyrics out and send them to my ex and he can read them in jail.

Marvelous 3 – Indie Queen Lyrics 13 years ago

Modest Mouse – I Came as a Rat (Long Walk Off a Short Dock) Lyrics 13 years ago
Ok....I skimmed through all the comments and I can't believe no one has mentioned this. I think the rat is referring to the rat race.

Modest Mouse – Autumn Beds Lyrics 14 years ago
I agree with you in regards to the autumn years which is a time for retirement and resting and having fun, however, if you didn't save up for it you definitely won't be sleeping in your autumn bed and will be slaving away trying to get by. It is my belief that many of Modest Mouse's songs are about the American lifestyle. Just throwing my 2 cents in...

Everclear – Unemployed Boyfriend Lyrics 14 years ago
Everclear's songs are all literal - no hidden meanings. What confuses me about this one is - if he promises never to be an unemployed boyfriend what the heck is he doing at the unemployment office? Stalking women?

Modest Mouse – I've Got It All (Most) Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is about the struggle within oneself between good and bad - the angel and devil sitting on your shoulders.

Modest Mouse – I've Got It All (Most) Lyrics 14 years ago
The lyrics remind me of every guy I have dated in the past couple of years. Either charmingly sweet or very mean - no in between and no consistency and always fucking up. If this song had been on Good News, it would have been the best song on the album.

Fun Lovin' Criminals – Scooby Snacks Lyrics 16 years ago
From what I've read, Scooby Snacks are Ecstasy. This song came out when E was all the rage.

Jackson Browne – That Girl Could Sing Lyrics 16 years ago
I think we all have people in our lives that are there when we need them but eventually disappear and we want so much more from them.

I love the line 'Hanging onto the laughter
That each of us hid our unhappiness in'.

My favorite JB song.

Modest Mouse – Parting of the Sensory Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is not specifically about God or politics, it is about the meaninglessness of life. I believe its about the absence of a God, how whats going on in the world doesn't have any relevance in the grand scheme of things. When we die, we go nowhere and our bodies are recycled. The line "who the hell made you the boss" is directed at no one in particular, but could actually be anyone, as Science is the only dictator of life.

I want this song played at my funeral.

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