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Radiohead – Fog Lyrics 16 years ago
I think it's about our childhood traumas and damages and how they never really leave us. We can try to put them away but they're always there, ("Somethings will never wash away").

You can put them in the "sewers" but they'll still be there, glowing in the dark, reminding you.

Radiohead – Up on the Ladder Lyrics 16 years ago
I think it's about being used and knowing it and the resentment that goes along with it.

The lines "Watch me dance, I'm a puppet" and "Give me an answer, give me a lie" (I think it's lie but either way it's the same general point) suggest that he's being used and knows people aren't being honest with him.

One of my favorite songs, it's definitely very personal for me.

Radiohead – There There. (The Boney King of Nowhere.) Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is about not being able to trust yourself. He feels things and has desires but can't trust that they're taking him down the right path. It's like knowing you have depression. You have these dark feelings but at the same time you know a mental disorder is causing them and it's difficult to reconcile reality with what you're feeling.

Radiohead – Knives Out Lyrics 17 years ago
Yorke once said, ""It's partly the idea of the businessman walking out on his wife and kids and never coming back. It's also the thousand yard stare when you look at someone close to you and you know they're gonna die. It's like a shadow over them, or the way they look straight through you. The shine goes out of their eyes."

I think it's certainly about cannibalism on the surface, but my guess is the quote above is what it's really supposed to be about.

Radiohead – Morning Bell Lyrics 17 years ago
The song's about Amnesia according to Thom Yorke. Since he wrote it, I'm going to take that as the definitive meaning.

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