Pavement – Gold Soundz Lyrics | 13 years ago |
I love how Malkmus will purposefully sing words that sound alike. Just like "Career" or "Korea" at the end of Cut your Hair. Is it "eat you" or "need you?" Its freakin both people! Malkmus is screwing with you. |
Grateful Dead – Sugar Magnolia Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Hippies. This is the Dead. They're singing about free love and turning on. Or sex and drugs, in today's Vernacular. Very sexual and innocent at the same time. And jeez, every dead song seems to talk about the light, right? Lets break it down line by line: Sugar Magnolia blossom's blooming (sex) Head's all empty and I don't care (drugs) Saw my baby down by the river Knew she'd have to come up soon for air Sweet blossom come on under the willow (attracted to you) We can have high times if you'll abide (drugs) We can discover the wonders of nature (sex) Rolling in the rushes down by the riverside (sex cont.) She's got everything delightful (sex) She's got everything I need (sex) Takes the wheel when I'm seeing double (drugs) Pays my ticket when I speed (awww, that's sweet) She come skimming through rays of violet She can wade in a drop of dew (K, got me on this one) She don't come and I don't follow (it was called FREE love for a reason) Waits backstage while I sing to you (but, hey, she still waits for him) She can dance a Cajun rhythm Jump like a Willys in four wheel drive She's a summer love in the spring, fall and winter She can make happy any man alive (sounds like she's pretty cool) Sugar magnolia Ringin' that blue bell Caught up in sunlight Come on out singing I'll walk you in the sunshine Come on honey, come along with me (yea... this is all about sex) She's got everything delightful She's got everything I need (more sex) A breeze in the pines in the summer night moonlight Crazy in the sunlight yes indeed Sometimes when the cuckoo's crying When the moon is halfway down Sometimes when the night is dying I take me out and I wander round I wander round (its late at night, guessing he's gonna party w/ the boys) Sunshine daydream Walk you the tall trees Going where the wind goes Blooming like a red rose Breathing more freely Light out singing I'll walk you in the morning sunshine Sunshine daydream Walk you in the sunshine (but he comes back to her in the morning) |
The Who – The Kids Are Alright Lyrics | 14 years ago |
This song is about a guy who doesn't want to stay home with his wife and kids. He realizes that when he's gone, his wife sees other guys. But he doesn't care because at least his kids are getting looked after. Dude just wants to party, his wife is sitting on another guys lap but hey its all cool, the kids are alright. |
The Rolling Stones – Let It Bleed Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Its the Stones. Sex and drugs. Hell yea. I mean, this chick is so into Mick that she'll let him do anything. Even after he shows up to her house with a scagged out nurse and stabs her. Even after that, she says she'll always have her shirt off and be ready for him with a line of yay already busted out. Nice. |
Talking Heads – Heaven Lyrics | 14 years ago |
I'm pretty sure this is a drug song. He is referring to this place which is full of dreamy bliss. But nothing happens. Its the same kiss over and over again. Its the same bar with the same song. He almost sounds like he doesn't really believe he's in heaven. I've put this together as like a "fake" heaven, like being under the influence of opiates. Everything is dreamy and blissful but nothing really happens. |
Bob Dylan – Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues Lyrics | 16 years ago |
I would like to point out that the story told in this song appears to have some thematic similarities to Under the Volcano by Malcom Lowery. In short it is a story about a hopeless alcoholic, whose best friend is the Doctor. The protagonist misadventures his way through Mexico during the Day of the Dead. It doesn't add up 100% but I think elements from the book were used as inspiration. |
Belle & Sebastian – Seeing Other People Lyrics | 17 years ago |
i'm certain its about two boys "the other boys are queueing up behind us" "you're going to have to go with girls, at least they know what they are doing" also, its well known that stuart murdoch's brother is gay and this song as well as a few others from tigermilk are written about him/from his perspective. |
Animal Collective – Peacebone Lyrics | 17 years ago |
I am absolutely certain that an obsession with the past is more like a bad flight than anything else. especially contained within the context of the song? |
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