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Faith No More – Naked In Front Of The Computer Lyrics 2 years ago
@[Jaggeh:41077] Sorry. Crappy form doesn\'t seem to submit but it does....

Faith No More – Naked In Front Of The Computer Lyrics 2 years ago
I heard this was about relationships people have online/via email, which is a completely alien and incomprehensible concept to our Lord, Mr Patton - hence he wrote a song about it.

Faith No More – Naked In Front Of The Computer Lyrics 2 years ago
I heard this was about relationships people have online/via email, which is a completely alien and incomprehensible concept to our Lord, Mr Patton - hence he wrote a song about it.

Faith No More – Naked In Front Of The Computer Lyrics 2 years ago
I heard this was about relationships people have online/via email, which is a completely alien and incomprehensible concept to our Lord, Mr Patton - hence he wrote a song about it.

Brad – Buttercup Lyrics 3 years ago
@[Jaggeh:36137] Just realised it was me that posted the lyrics for this years ago.

This song came to mind when I was discussing Buddhism with a friend and the idea of attaining nirvana was essentially to escape the wheel of death and rebirth.

I thought maybe the wheel in the song related to the death/rebirth wheel. As in the singer had achieved bliss with a female (buttercup) but he knows it will end (death) and thus the suffering will begin again (rebirth).

So kinda like reaching a pseudo or temporary state of nirvana but knowing it's not real and will end.

Brad – Buttercup Lyrics 3 years ago
Shawn Smith in an interview stated that the words were just thrown in when he was jamming with Stone (while recording).

He added the chorus later after some thought but the main verse lyrics have no meaning which is why some of the words are mumbled (his words).

Brad – We Lyrics 3 years ago
@[Jaggeh:34764] submitted correct lyics

Brad – We Lyrics 3 years ago
Fun fact. This is not the lyrics I submitted many years ago.

In fact, even though those I submitted have my name next to them, my profile lists nothing submitted by me.

Fiona Apple – Please Please Please Lyrics 10 years ago
IIRC correctly from an interview or something it's a dig at Sony regarding the reengineering of Extraordinary Machine because it wasn't like her previous work and not mainstream enough. Thankfully her fans got her out of that contract :)

David Bowie – Quicksand Lyrics 11 years ago
Who know's what goes through a genius' mind. :)
I've never really read into many of his songs however you're Hitler theory is a good one. With regard to the chorus, if this is a Hitler story, could be a reference to immanentizing the eschaton which Hitler was trying to achieve in the Illuminatus Trilogy - essentially trying to bring about judgement day and his transcendental illumination.
"Don't believe in yourself (the Golden Dawn) don't deceive with belief (the Church),
Knowledge comes (illumination) with deaths release (mass killing)"

"Mortal with potential of a superman"? Master race = superman.

I reckon Bowie read the Illuminatus Trilogy.

The Vapors – Turning Japanese Lyrics 12 years ago
"I'd like a million of them all to myself"

should be

"I'd like a million of them all round my cell"

Prison cell, pin-up, nuff said :)

David Bowie – Young Americans Lyrics 16 years ago
Just wanted to say grats lazerpj. That was one of the most intelligent posts I've seen on this site.

I have a few American friends but most I have met seem to have ASC (American Superiority Complex). Unfortunately, while they may seem 'superior/awesome' to those that subscribe the "America is king" sentiment, to those that have experienced different cultures and countries it just highlights how uncultured and narrow minded Americans tend to be.

Luckily, due to the internet and travel making the world smaller many Americans are starting wake up and open their eyes. There's hope for y'all yet :)

Awesome song too...

Marillion – Blind Curve Lyrics 16 years ago
This is also one of my fave Marillion songs. It was this album, and possibly this song, that got me into 'real' music when everyone else was raving about Duran Duran etc.

For me this whole piece is pretty much along the same lines that everyone else has said. However, I think it is possible to break each piece down.

I. Vocal Under A Bloodlight
This is shortly after a casual relationship. The singer is introverted as has been noticed by his 'other half'. This is the start of this part of the story.

II. Passing Strangers
Realising that all the casual relationships have no greater depth to them and, ultimately, both parties are just strangers to one another.
There is no rectreating what was lost as there is nothing to recreate. This leads to further depression and isolation.

III. Mylo
This song has special meaning to me which I needn't go into here. However, this part relates to John Mylett a friend of the band who died in a car crash. Fish still had to do interviews and his only solace was prescription (and not so prescription) drugs.

IV. Perimeter Walk
The most obscure part probably brought on by the acid that prompted the album in the first place.
He seems to want his childhood back - when everything was trivial and there was no pain to deal with.

V. Threshold
To what "threshold" Fish is referring to I have no idea. However, this part is obviously referring to the state of the country/world in the mid 80s.
How can children stay innocent and how can we let them grow up into this world that we can't even handle as adults?

An awesome 'song' probably one of their best that wraps up the most common adult emotions along with the realisation that the world is totaly fugazi :)

Iron Maiden – The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg Lyrics 17 years ago
For those that are still wondering...

The site has its DNS entries handled by They specialise in viral marketing.
They also handle the domain.

It's all marketing folks :)

Stone Temple Pilots – Atlanta Lyrics 17 years ago
One of the most beautiful STP tracks - this and Wonderful (from Shangri La Di Da) are my fave 'slow' STP tracks that prove they can do thoughtful, moving stuff as well as the more jumpy about, 'fun' stuff.
As for the meaning, funnily enough this is one track that I don't really care about - for me it's the tune and his voice that make it great.
But knowing Scott it's about drugs and/or women - can't really go far wrong there :)

Aphex Twin – Milkman Lyrics 17 years ago
RDJ doesn't do drugs and write music. He has tried drugs I believe and has written music while off his face. But apparently he didn't like the results. So, in general, I doubt any of the songs on his albums are the written while off his tits. Maybe some have been influenced by his drug experiences though. I don't know.

It's funny how a lot of people mention nightmares n stuff when discussing Aphex Twin stuff. RDJ has mentioned that he only sleeps a few hours a night and has very lucid dreams - almost like he drops straight into REM sleep and pops out again. Upon waking he often writes music straight away putting his dream into music.

IMHO, he is a true musical genius in that his thoughts and emotions he puts into music. He writes music to give friends as presents and much of his work is never heard as it's not for commerical release. His music is almost like an outlet for everything - instead of sport, poetry, building a house or whatever, it all goes into music. He's so damn prolific it's scary :)

As for David Firth, I've been a big fan for ages and I now believe he works for New Grounds (which is why isn't updated as much as it used to be). Check out The Boy that Smelled Funny for a brilliant look on cencorship. DF also uses Boards of Canada (great ambient stuff) as well as a few others I don't recall.

Oh, btw, he doesn't have a tank. He has a Ferret recon vehicle (a big car). Iirc, he doesn't have a drivers licence and he's crashed it at least once :)

Faith No More – R.V. Lyrics 17 years ago
"I agree with the sentiment that there are people that set out to be losers, whether conciously or uncounciously"

That doesn't make sense. If you set out to do something you are making a concious decision - you have made up your mind and plan on doing it.
So you can't set out to do something unconciously...

You CAN set out to do something and unconciously fail due to unforseen circumstances, situations and events.

Personally, I don't think anyone sets out to be a loser. I think many people have an idea of where they want to be and what they want to do but either fail because of things out of their control or because of the decisions they have made that seemed like a good idea at the time without realising the repercussions or importance of said decisions thus leading to them failing at their goal.

I set out to build robots - seriously, I was really into cybernetics n stuff. I needed to study at school to get into uni. However, due to women, alcohol and going out (that seemed fun at the time) resulted in me getting good grades but not good enough. Hence I never got into uni. So I failed although I never set out to fail but yes, it was my own choices at that caused me to fail.

And I think this is the case with most 'white trash' in the US. (I'm English btw - and we have white trash too - just in council houses or tenement not trailer parks or cheap housing).

I doubt many 'white trash' make a concious and decide "I like the idea of living in a shit caravan/house doing nothing, scavving off society and treating everyone like shit". I should imagine many did have dreams and ambitions perhaps when they were younger and either situations conspired against them or their hopes and dreams were wiped out by their own, parents/guardians/environment.

As pointed out by SacrificialNewt the last line is very important - this is the one that points out it's not necesarilly a concious decision but vicious circle perpetuated by the parents. If a child is brought up in this environment then they will learn from their parents and do what they have to survive - it becomes very difficult for a child or young adult to break the mould and step out of the cycle as they wouldn't have been taught or brought up to think like that.

Marillion – The Web Lyrics 17 years ago
heheh Ghostlight. I know exactly what you mean - currently going through exactly the same thing now.

Whatever has happened (partner leaving being the most likely candidate - but why? there are references to teh media etc. Perhaps some kind of scandal) it's about the depression that follows, the justifiying to everyone else, convincing yourself you were right, it was their fault etc.

But then eventually coming to terms with reality.

Realising that only you have control over your future, learning from your mistakes and eventually moving on.

Marillion – Warm Wet Circles Lyrics 17 years ago
To me it's Fish's observations of situations (probably mirroring his own) that young people get into.
And finding that link between them - a warm, wet circle.

Ultimately it's about a girls first relationship with a guy where she thinks it's love and he's only after one thing.
The girl meets a cool guy, falls in love, starts planning the future and talking about him to her friends. She's happy.
Then they meet up and get down to it.
And then it's all over.

The circle reference is not just of the warm, wet types. It's a vicious circle that many young girls find themselves in. She feels rejected and will seek love even more - thus leading her to find the next guy who will inevitably end up doing the same thing.

Hence the last line "She'll realise that she played her part in a warm wet circle".

Superb imagery (I've always considered Fish more a poet than just a songwriter) and very clever songwriting.

Marillion – Fugazi Lyrics 17 years ago
Also, the word fugaz, after it's initial meaning came to generally mean 'fucked up' and was applied to the war the world in general.

IMO, in general it's a very cynical look at typical English society with references to various events, minorities and observations. It's very 80's (funny that).

Meat Loaf – Life Is a Lemon and I Want My Money Back Lyrics 17 years ago
I think you're all correct in the song being ideal for those pissed of days.
While the song says "life is a lemon" he's not pissed off at life itself, he's pissed off at those that control his life - those in power and those that tell you what to do, what to think.

"And all the morons and all the stooges with their coins
They're the ones who make the rules,
It's not a game, it's just a rout"
This is a blatant attack on politicians and those that fund them and prey on us poor consumers - those that ultimately control us as a society.

Lemon, in this case, as well as the movie comparison (already mentioned) is also used as 'rubbish' stuff - specifically stuff you buy.
The retorts to the "What about...?" bit, from 'family' to 'gods', implies shoddy goods - just like that cheap walkman you bought at the market :)

As a consumerist society built on capitalist ideals, Meat is comparing those that run our life to the substandard, junk they force on us - convincing us we want what we don't need.

For me, the song isn't just 'I'm pissed off with life but I'm pissed off with those that run society and define and control what I can and can't do.

Funnily enough, I think this song is for music what Fight Club is for movies - and Meat is in both ;)

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