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Why? – These Few Presidents Lyrics 15 years ago
Oooh, I love that parallel you brought up, KissandPart.

The theories are all really good here, but I just want to say just because there was no funeral doesn't mean she isn't dead. He very well could have hidden the body.

The line "even though I haven't seen you in years, yours is a funeral I'd fly to from anywhere" could mean he'd go to her funeral if they found the body he'd been hiding for years. The killed relationship theory is probably the most plausible, but it's sort of fun to think about it from the morbid perspective, too. :P

David Sylvian – Waterfront Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is so amazing. It was the first song I ever heard by Sylvian, and it is still my absolute favorite of his works. I really can't say for sure, but this song always makes me think of how sad humanity and its creations really are. Sad, as in how much we strive for happiness but end up drinking our sorrows away, and how highly we regard material things, but they really only have value because we give them value. Yeah, that was pretty much just a brainspill. Don't mind me.

Radiohead – Optimistic Lyrics 16 years ago
The line about dinosaurs is likely a reference to how they died out while living as we are, "ruling" this planet, and that we are not immune to their fate. In fact, we might be the ones who bring such a fate upon ourselves. Until the very end, the dinosaurs still ate one another to survive, even as they were becoming extinct. They did that until there was only one left. He was finally at the top. But eventually, he died alone, and his people with him.

Dir En Grey – Conceived Sorrow (English) Lyrics 16 years ago
Even though Keiko:Love is an elitist, she does have a point that the true meaning of the song, as in, Kyo's standpoint and where the song originates from within him, is something most people are not going to be able which to relate directly. She's also right about the "I got dumped" thing infesting music.

But, that does not excuse the fact that music is something that is universal because people will always find their own meanings in any song and relate it to their life and experiences. Going around saying that you're a better fan because you own everything by a band and know everything about them does not mean you are better than anyone else. Nor does it mean that you can better understand the music. Just because you have a guess as to what the song is about to the singer/band members does not mean you really understand or feel the same thing as them.

In any case, this song is beautiful. Inner turmoil is something to which we all can relate.

VNV Nation – Rubicon Lyrics 17 years ago
I agree with Czar, but I also agree with dognamedabu. While Czar's explanation is the official one, the song isn't just about events, but emotions. I'm rather sick of the vapid comments that many songs get on this website, don't get me wrong, but the emotions that are felt in trying times also play a large part in the messages about war that VNV is trying to put out there. Poetry, indeed.

I'd be rich if I had a nickel for every comment saying "omg, it reminds me of my horrible romantic relationship!!!!11!!!1" on this site, I'd be disturbingly rich.

Dredg – Catch Without Arms Lyrics 17 years ago
Totally love this song. And I pretty much agree with what everyone has been saying about the meaning of this song. It's pretty obvious, but in a good way. Not much else we can all say about this.

It's disgusting how much image has become a part of being a successful musician... they way you're marketed, and if you're a girl... being almost naked in the majority of your videos. I haven't any patience or respect for those bands/artists that can't even write their own lyrics. Even if you are a singer, and you don't have a full time band behind you, what matters is if you have lyrics that you created. And that's how you know you have created real music.

And I agree with Rager, even though he kinda put it harshly. Being "indie" is really lame. Even though Dredg might not become a superpower or sell as much as the sluts and wankers that have been making it big lately, it's better if the love spreads to those who can appreciate it. And maybe we'll get another album or two in the process.

Faith and the Muse – Cernunnos Lyrics 17 years ago
Cernunnos is a god that has been depicted mostly in the Celtic world. It seems like not much is known about what kind of god he actually was, save for having symbols of fertility. This song is eerie to me because there is a video game (.hack//G.U.) I am currently playing, and Cernunnos is part of the game's story/mythology. And the story/situation this song paints is very close to Cernunnos' predicament.

Anyway, I think this song is probably about what life was like in those ancient times when Cernunnos was worshiped by the Celts, and how "he" felt when other religions (such as Christianity) came and drove his believers, and the religion, to battle and death. And at the end, Cernunnos gives up and leaves the "new age."

Sting – Englishman In New York Lyrics 17 years ago
I can relate to this song so much. I have a step-father who thinks real men are only "men" and "heroes" (gag) when they meet his burly, simple-minded standards. This song really speaks about the age, not only for gay people, but for those who just want some bloody peace and less of this "redneck" standard that really has swept across the U.S. lately. This song is optimistic, yet not over done so that it makes you feel sick or unmoved by what the lyrics are saying. Can't really pick it apart too much, though, the lyrics are pretty straightforward and everyone should take a minute and listen to what they have to say. C:

Placebo – Centerfolds Lyrics 18 years ago
Uh, it should be Balthazar, not Balthazaa.

Tori Amos – Ruby Through the Looking-Glass Lyrics 18 years ago
Yes, that line is somewhat confusing, but you got it estelle. But, usually, when a boy smokes say for the first time, they inhale and they get tears in their eyes from the smoke, etc. This could mean that men (people in general, too) smoke to relieve stress, but the smoke might remind men of when they were "allowed" to cry as a boy with the familiar taste and smell. The abusive husband was probably taught that he needed to be really "masculine" and he tries to enforce his masculinity by abusing his wife.

Tori Amos – Virginia Lyrics 18 years ago
I think this song is about the land that is America, the actual continent itself, the people that have inhabited it... and the bloody history that is has suffered through. From the slaughter of Native Americans and the European take over - "the Red Road carved up by Sharp Knife" (the bloody trail of war and Inidian blood that lead to their takeover) - to the present day - "ghetto pimps
and presidents."

The Native Americans who wanted to make peace - "She may betray all that she loves" (America, as the Native American people, betray themselves) - and the broken promises of that peace made by the white man - "But as always, the thing that he (the white man) loves he will change from her sunrise, to clockwise, to soul trading (the white man's back and forth attitude about assuring the Native Americans their homes, peace and freedom... the things they love changing from peace to want of the land they promised away.)"

The song is aptly named, because Virginia was the first state (where all the conflict and change began,) and it is a feminine name, thus bringing in more connections to the usually female associated Earth/land (Gaia, etc.) The name, obviously, also has a virginal meaning; the land that is America was a clean virgin while in the hands of the Native Americans, and when the white man came, they "raped" the land for all it's worth.

The lines "Oh, Virginia, you can't even remember your name" and "And she loses a little each day, to ghetto pimps and presidents, who try and arouse her turquoise serpents... She can't recall what they represent, and when you ask, she won't know." are about what has come of the white man's take over and how America can't seem to find it's true identity or even its former self when the Native Americans lived with the earth. It's like asking what it was all for, and was the end result worth it? Filled with people with little respect for the planet and the land (America) that they live off of... where corruption and greed is in both (political corruption and greed/self-interest with presidents, greed for sex and money with ghetto pimps) ends of the "social spectrum," and Virginia can no longer find meaning in these things that make her up because it's hard to tell what is truly "good" and "evil." The lines "Oh Virginia, do you remember when the land held your hand?" go back to when Virginia (America/the Native American people) knew who she was and she lived simply with the earth. Now, Virginia can't remember her old name that was given to her before the white man came, the names also representing who "she is/was."

Phew, sorry about the length. But, this song is definitely one of my favorite Tori song's ever.

Placebo – Running Up That Hill (Kate Bush cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
Well, Running Up That Hill is on the bonus disc of Sleeping With Ghosts, Zodin. Dunno if that helps.

I think people associate this too much with romantic relationships. I find the song to have a basic meaning of overcoming trials, and wanting to help loved ones do the same... by switching places with them.

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