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fun. – All the Pretty Girls Lyrics 12 years ago
I hardly think this interpretation would "taint" fun.. I think that's a very cool way of looking at it.

The Who – Cousin Kevin Lyrics 18 years ago
wow... i never thought of the song taking place in christmas! That's very good!

I always leave the room for this scene of the movie. This and Uncle Ernie. Anyway, i've never seen the live version with elton john and billy idol and stuff, is it any good?

The Who – Pictures Of Lily Lyrics 18 years ago
Pictures of Lily is a real set of pornography!

Me and my friends are huge who fans (or at least i am) and we were on a trip to Toronto. We were at the marche, and i went to the bathroom. THere was so much 30s porn therre... anyways, there was one set of pictures and it said "Pictures of Lily'. So Pete Townshend actually got that title from something

The Beatles – Revolution 9 Lyrics 18 years ago
Nobody realizes the significance of this song. Sure it's just abunch of freaky ass tape loops, but has it occured to you that these tape loops may have encouraged a certain band to create a certain album called "The Dark Side of the Moon"?

The Beatles – Revolution 9 Lyrics 18 years ago
Nobody realizes the significance of this song. Sure it's just abunch of freaky ass tape loops, but has it occured to you that these tape loops may have encouraged a certain band to create a certain album called "The Dark Side of the Moon"?

Pink Floyd – Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is a lot like Revolution 9 by the Beatles. But better. Anyway, i believe that if Revolution 9 didn't exist, in all it's tape loop glory, there would be no "Dark Side of the Moon"

Pink Floyd – Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict Lyrics 18 years ago
or you could just slow it down yourself

you know, whatever

Sweet – Fox On The Run Lyrics 18 years ago
wow... and here was i thinking that "Ballroom Blitz" was their only good song! Man, everyone thinks of sweet as a one hit wonder band, but they had tons of good songs!

Alice Cooper – Steven Lyrics 18 years ago
I saw him do this song on the 17th of may in winnipeg. It was FREAKING AMAZING

totally awesome

Queen – Don't Loose Your Head Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is (along with pain is so close to pleasure and one year of love) the sole reason i hate the "A Kind of Magic" album. I have every album of the seventies, this one and Hot Space, and this is by far the worst ever. I'm sorry, queen is my favourite band, but i have to draw the line somewhere

Queen – Let Me Entertain You Lyrics 18 years ago
Rarely does a song that talks about the music playing along sound so good. This has to be my facourite song on Jazz. I love the line: "The Sound and Amplification listen" then does a short and sweet guitar lick.

I don't know why anyone hates jazz. I like it better then News of The World

Queen – Drowse Lyrics 18 years ago
But Roger wasn't a middle aged man when this was released. Whatever. I love this song. It comes close to being my favourite roger song under Tenement Funster.

I love it.

"Half of the time
We'd broaden our minds
More in the poolhall than we did in the schoolhall"

I can relate to that. You can spend hours trying to teach kids about stuff they don't care about, but they don't learn anything. When they go to hang out and talk about stuff, conversations can lead to mysteries. It has happened to me a few times

Queen – Gimme The Prize Lyrics 18 years ago
I haven't seen highlander yet, although i would very much like to.

ANd let me just say this song is amazing (but i think it might have been better if Roger sang it)

Queen – Great King Rat Lyrics 18 years ago
I remember the first time i bought and listened to this album (two days ago, actually). I was sitting in my car listening to it. I breezed past the first non-single (Doing all right) feeling not that impressed. But then this came on, and i was amazed. Would i say it's my favourite on the album? I couldn't say, having only listened to the album a few times

The Beatles – Tomorrow Never Knows Lyrics 18 years ago
Uh... am i the only one that believes that this song went on to become "Revolution 9"? I've read and heard people describe this as creating tape loops and playing them at different speeds and directions (similar to Revolution 9) and if you took away the music and singing, you would very much have another Revolution Nine on your hands.

One difference: This sounds a lot better then Revolution Nine. (and guitarjeezus was right about whatever he said)

David Bowie – Fashion Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is obviously about how certain cultures don't understand other fashions or something like that.

This is also the worst music video ever.


David Bowie – All the Young Dudes Lyrics 18 years ago
David Bowie wrote this song for mott the hoople (so i heard). It's amazingly done at Freddie Mercury's tribute concert

John Lennon – #9 Dream Lyrics 18 years ago
I've always thought that the whole term #9 Dream is referring to the beatle's song Revolution Nine, which is basically eight minutes of "Number Nine... Number Nine... Number Nine..." in an erie manner.

John Lennon – God Lyrics 18 years ago
I have heard a lot about this song (the whole walrus comment) but i haven't heard it until now...

This song is amazing. He sings it with such emotion, it's uncomparable to... anything. I love it.

The Beatles – You Never Give Me Your Money Lyrics 18 years ago
I think that this song is very straight forward: I always saw of it as a college student looking for a job. The first part could be about job interviews, the out of college is fairly obvious. And the last part is about the dude having a dream to do somehting.

The Beatles – Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) Lyrics 18 years ago
the whispering is just a crowd, and john lennon saying either "Hi" or "Bye" in a creepy upscale voice.

The Beatles – Mean Mr. Mustard Lyrics 18 years ago
I think it was (stated on the anthology) as Cathy.

"His sister Cathy works in a shop..."

It just isn't the same.

The Beatles – She's Leaving Home Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is... sad. It creates such a vivid picture in your mind. I think the part about the man in the motor trade means she's getting into the life of sex and drugs, especially the part at the end of having fun. (Waiting to keep the appointment she made... could either relate to sex or drugs)

The Beatles – Only a Northern Song Lyrics 18 years ago
Me and my dad were listening to this song, and he told me that Northern Songs Ltd. was what George wrote his songs under (but i allready knew that). And when he was saying "It's Only a Northern Song", he was commentated that Lennon/McCartney's songs would always be more popular, and compared to them, George's songs didn't really matter. This would kind of make it awkward for the beatles when they were recording this...

The Beatles – Helter Skelter Lyrics 18 years ago
I got this book on the beatles (The Beatles Forever) and it mentioned something about the white album being about an interracial war. Kind of cool analyzing if you think about it.

At the back of the book it gives a list of least favourite beatles songs as voted.

Number three (after Revolution Nine then You Know my Name) was this song, and i was outraged!

This is one of my favourite songs on the White Album!

The Beatles – A Day in the Life Lyrics 18 years ago
The gibberish at the end: I first heard it late at night in my room. I had listened to the track plenty of times before, but i always turned it off after the 40 second fade out. So i put the song on my computer and reversed it (seeing how it's the thing to do with beatles' gibberish these days) and it sounded like, more gibberish.

I then went onto one of the "Paul is Dead" sites and checked up on this song. I realized that the gibberish at the end reversed sounds like "Will Paul come back as superman".

So again, i reversed it. And sure enough, it sounded like "Will paul come back as superman"

My Conclusion: We hear about what these sound like backwards before we play them backwards, and therefore we try to tune in the song so it sounds like that. Just like "Cranberry Sauce" can sound like "I Buried Paul" if you want it to sound like that. Genius, isn't it?

The Beatles – Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey Lyrics 18 years ago
I don't think this song means anything really. Some parts make sense, but "Your inside is out when your outside is in/your outside is in when your inside is out". I think John was just putting phrases togethor

The Beatles – Glass Onion Lyrics 18 years ago
The walrus wasn't paul or john... it was ringo!

Just kidding. But seriously, what was the whole importance of who was the walrus?

The Beatles – I Am the Walrus Lyrics 18 years ago
Usually i don't like covers but Jim Carry singing this is pretty cool

Queen – Who Wants To Live Forever Lyrics 18 years ago
The video for this is cool. There's like, a million candles, and it has brian may in the orchestra pretending to be this stuck-up musician, and there are about 20 children sing ing...

The guitar solo is the highlight of this song for me. It's simple, amazing, and beautiful

Queen – Lily Of The Valley Lyrics 18 years ago
This song sounds more like it should be on Queen II, as opposed to Sheer Heart Attack.

I actually think this song is Freddie telling us that Queen is passed it's experimental phase. (messenger from seven seas has flown to tell the king of rhye he's lost his throne) It's no longer a fantasy world.

The Beatles – Revolution 9 Lyrics 18 years ago
I have literally had nightmares about this song before i even heard it. I listened to the first three "Number Nines" at about 11:00 at night, and instantly closed the program.
Now i'm afraid to listen to it.

Yeah sure, call me a wimp, a pansy... Whatever you need.

Oh, and just to prove that there was no backmasking in this, record yourself saying "number 9, number 9, number 9" in that same tone then reverse it with Sound Recorder or something else. If it says "Turn me on Dead Man" it's pretty much a coincidence

The Beatles – Revolution 9 Lyrics 18 years ago
I have literally had nightmares about this song before i even heard it. I listened to the first three "Number Nines" at about 11:00 at night, and instantly closed the program.
Now i'm afraid to listen to it.

Yeah sure, call me a wimp, a pansy... Whatever you need

David Bowie – It Ain't Easy Lyrics 18 years ago
Is this song a cover song, or was it written for David Bowie? This has to be my least favourite track on ziggy stardust

David Bowie – Starman Lyrics 18 years ago
New music does suck, especiall punk and rap. This song cools me out. As stated above, i do so believe it's about teenagers or kids or some kind of adelescont being introduced to "Ziggy Stardust". The first verse is the kid first hearing the song, and the second one is the kid phoning someone else and spreading the music. The chorus could be how Ziggy can't leave the record company to meet his fans or something. I don't know.

Queen – These Are The Days Of Our Lives Lyrics 18 years ago
Hope they come out with Greatest Video Hits 3... i haven't seen brian dressed as a penguin yet! This song is powerful. I didn't used to like it, until i saw the music video on the internet, and learned it was the last video take of freddie. I love the guitar solo as well, does anyone have the tab?

The Rolling Stones – Angie Lyrics 18 years ago
The way i heard it:

Mick and Bowie were sleeping together, and Bowie's wife (Angie) walked in on them.

I think they're both bisexual so it's not that hard to comprehend

Queen – Misfire Lyrics 18 years ago
Great song, however i think it's my least favourite of all of Deacon's' works.

Queen – Dear Friends Lyrics 18 years ago
Either about someone dying, or a suicide note.

Sheer Depressing for Sheer Heart Attack

Queen – Flick Of The Wrist Lyrics 18 years ago
Pretty Much.

I love this song, and i wonder how their old manager feels about having all these hate songs directed to him. This song also creeps me out a bit:
"Work my fingers to my bones
I scream with pain
I still make no impression"

This still sends chills down my spine.

Poor queen. they deserved more than this. F**KING RECORD COMPANY SLAVE DRIVERS!!

Queen – Flick Of The Wrist Lyrics 18 years ago
Pretty Much.

I love this song, and i wonder how their old manager feels about having all these hate songs directed to him. This song also creeps me out a bit:
"Work my fingers to my bones
I scream with pain
I still make no impression"

This still sends chills down my spine.

Poor queen. they deserved more than this. F**KING RECORD COMPANY SLAVE DRIVERS!!

Queen – Sleeping On The Sidewalk Lyrics 18 years ago
I like this song, it's rather upbeat, and kind of tells the story about how lots of bands got blown away by the punk movement, while queen was seemingly untouched. In the Queen edition of "Guitar World", Brian May says that they thought of punk as a fashion, and they were never really affected by fashion. I also agree with Bennyboy, why is there no trumpet?

Queen – Get Down, Make Love Lyrics 18 years ago
I don't think Freddie was really gay in the 70s. This song is even more horny then Body Language! Ok, i take that back. But tune the lyrics out for a second; The instrumental in this song is freaking amazing, considering they didn't use synthesizers! All of the synthy sounding stuff came from Brian's guitar, and it's insane, i'll tell you that!

Queen – Fight From The Inside Lyrics 18 years ago
This is (one) of my favorite tracks on News of the World. Roger kind of steals the show with this one.

If this song wasn't in the 70s it would be a blow to Boy Bands, seeing how they're just some coroprate gimmick. What's this? a 70s band was a corporate gimmick as well? What was their name? KISS!

Yes, i do believe that this song is about kiss. It al lmakes sense: "You're just another money-spinner tool" "Another picture on a Teenage wall". Queen was all against corporate shams and stuff, and all about individuality. Just look at some of the stuff they made: Their musical "We Will Rock You" is exactly about that, so is the Video game "The Eye" (which i highly doubt even existed). So if this isn't about Kiss, then i don't know what it's about.

Queen – See What A Fool I've Been Lyrics 18 years ago
This is a bonus track? That explains why Seven Seas of Rhye fades out. This is a great song, Freddie sounds like a woman, but in an awesome way! 50s swing, doesn't fit in well with all the other songs on Queen II, but it's great.

The Beatles – I Am the Walrus Lyrics 18 years ago
If you reverse the chanting at the end it sounds (quite clearly actually) like "Ha Ha, Paul is Dead". I found that on a website, and it creeped me out. Usually they sound nothing like it's supposed to, but this sounds like either Ha Ha Paul is Dead, or "Ha Ha, Polly Bed". It's still probably a coincident, but try it.

The Beatles – Come Together Lyrics 18 years ago
Some Ways this Could relate to Paul is Dead:
"Here come old flat-top" could be referring to his decapitation (after all, there would only be a flat stub of a neck)

"Hair down to his knees" Your hair continues to grow after you die.

"Come Together Right Now Over Me" The beatles coming together around Paul's grave

Whatever. That's complete bullshit.

Queen – The Loser in the End Lyrics 19 years ago
I agree. Would this be Roger's first Queen song, or were there other ones on Queen 1. Anyway, this has an awesome drum track, i was overwelmed when i heard it.

Queen – The Loser in the End Lyrics 19 years ago
I agree. Would this be Roger's first Queen song, or were there other ones on Queen 1. Anyway, this has an awesome drum track, i was overwelmed when i heard about it.

Queen – Flash Lyrics 19 years ago
I quote this song every day.

As a result, friends think i'm gay

But that's okay

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