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The Used – Let It Bleed Lyrics 20 years ago
To me, the verses are all about taking drugs, and then the chorus is about how he stopped taking drugs ("Fill your lungs with smoke for the last time") And then when he was in the lowest point of his life, and he maybe wanted to commit suicide, he joined the Used ("If you feel like dieing, you might want to sing"). Just my thoughts.

Nirvana – Verse Chorus Verse (Version 1) Lyrics 20 years ago
You say that "in his hands" and Verse chorus verse are 2 totally different songs, then how come they have THE SAME DAMN MUSIC. The only difference is the lyrics, Kurt had different lyrics for some songs before they recorded them you idiot, the box set is proof (which I already have dumbass) The version called in his hands was played live before he changed the lyrics and recorded it for nevermind, but then rejected it.

Nirvana – Verse Chorus Verse (Version 1) Lyrics 20 years ago
Well its kinda stupid when people call this song in his hands, because it is titled Verse chorus verse. gangreenous... this is the same fucking song that wasnt included with nevermind, with different lyrics, O and jesussnipple or whatever the fuck your name is, werent you the one that called token eastern song, born in a junkyard? You say you were tired, but I think that was just a cover up of how stupid you are.

Cold – The Day Seattle Died Lyrics 20 years ago
this song is just about grunge dying on april 5th. When Kurt died, grunge pretty much was dead right than. Cause if nirvana, and some of these great grunge bands were still around, im positive that hip hop would never have gotten this big, especially if nirvana broke up but then got back together to make another album like 6 years later. That would have been huge

Nirvana – Do Re Mi Lyrics 20 years ago
these arent the right lyrics

Nirvana – Verse Chorus Verse (Version 2) Lyrics 20 years ago
whoever said this song is verse chorus verse is stupid as crap. This song is offically titled Sappy, Sad is the slow acoustic version, Verse Chorus Verse is an outake from nevermind, that some idiots call in his hands, do you people understand now?

Nirvana – Verse Chorus Verse (Version 1) Lyrics 20 years ago
whoever calls this song in his hands of in his room is stupid

Nirvana – Pen Cap Chew Lyrics 20 years ago
*gulp gulp*
Oh, lies again (alt. lesser god)
Oh, lies (alt. less)

You get, you get, you get, you get to me
Holy is the time its such an easy way to go
You get you get you get you get to be
Hide the struggle in the skin under a fingernail

Oh, lies again (alt. lesser god)
Oh, lies (alt. less)
Oh, your lonely

Waste your time by saving worthless gullables
Kill a politician and then wear his clothes
This decade is the age of re-hashing
Protest and then go to jail for trespassing
Throw me inside


Nirvana – Anorexorcist Lyrics 20 years ago
Look your legs are ashes
Charred into a special
Don't make noise you'll break
Your legs are eyes and all
You're right
I was your incompetant
Man just read the furies
Special time but you can't
Make too much of him


I was yours and closer
Your were them in New York
God me it's to enter
See your legs are in your legs

I was your end dancer
More than all I wish you
Got me under with the
Nice, nice, nice religious man


I think this sounds the best

Nirvana – Token Eastern Song Lyrics 20 years ago
nevrmind, i listened to it again, and yea he does sing hold it in your gut

Nirvana – Verse Chorus Verse (Version 1) Lyrics 20 years ago
yea this is verse chorus verse, its an out-take from nevermind

Nirvana – Old Age Lyrics 20 years ago
do the guy who asked, what has kurt cobain done for music lately, how about "you know your right", a great song, and there are alot of kids now who are still just getting into nirvana now, which is awesome cuz that just proves that nirvana aint dead yet, and only 3 days till the nirvana box set (except for all you lucky basterds who are getting it on the 22nd)

Nirvana – Moist Vagina Lyrics 20 years ago
niel young is awesome, and actually he was very fond of kurt, he talked about him alot, and kurt used a line of young's in his "suicide" note. They both were two of the greatest songwriters ever. RIP Kurt

Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody Lyrics 20 years ago
queen is awesome and so is kurt...Rock today sux, velvet revolver is pretty much the only really good band today, i miss the good ol days of really good rock. Rap sux

Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit Lyrics 20 years ago
since this is the most popular nirvana song, il say this here. What are nirvana's top ten best songs in these two categories.

1. By Lyrics
2. By music

My top ten in lyrics (no order)
1. Heart-Shaped Box
2. All Apologies
3. Aero Zeppelin
4. Big Long Now
5. Dumb
6. Do Re Mi
7. Old Age
8. Come as You Are
9. You know your right
10. Lithium

My top Ten fo Music (No Order)
1. Mrs. Butterworth
2. Milk It
3. Smells like Teen Spirit
4. Frances Farmer....
5. In Bloom
6. Dive
7. Verse Chorus Verse
8. You know your right
9. Drain You
10. Oh the guilt

a few of these songs are from the box set of course, but when it comes out, we may have to make it top 15, cuz im sure there will be some really good songs on the box set

Everyone else, post your opinions

Nirvana – Token Eastern Song Lyrics 20 years ago
are there two different versions of this song, because the version i have, kurt sings "born in a junkyard" 8x iv bever heard "hold it in your gut" before

Nirvana – Anorexorcist Lyrics 20 years ago
this song is called suicide samurai and anorexorcist, but its real title now is anorexorcist, and actually i think scoffed's lyrics actually sound pretty right

Nirvana – Talk to Me Lyrics 20 years ago
this is one of favorite nirvana songs ever

Nirvana – You Know You're Right Lyrics 20 years ago
speaking of this song, has anyone heard the demo yet? I know its gonna be on the box set, but has a link to it because some radio station in england or somewhere played on sunday nov. 13 or 14 i believe, unless you want to wait till the box set comes out, i would recomend listening to it, the lyrics are really different, and during the chorus it sounds like hes saying "Free" instead of "Pain", its pretty cool.

Incubus – Megalomaniac Lyrics 20 years ago
this song isnt about any 1 person in particular, its just about people who are full of themselves and think that they can just rule over everthing, i mean seriosily is bush trying to rule the world? NO, hes doing his job, being president of USA, i think if anything its more to someone like saddam or hitler, or kim jong, or maybe someone that he knows

Disturbed – Believe Lyrics 20 years ago
this song and the whole cd is really good, and i am a christian, a seventh day adventist actually which is one of the least popular ones in the world, but what i kinda got from this whole cd is that you have to believe in something whether it be God, satan, or buddha(dont know if i spelled that right) but yea if you dont believe in anything then you have nothing to live for, one example is that christians are waiting to go to heaven, so you just have to have something to believe and trust in

R.E.M. – Let Me In Lyrics 20 years ago
yea it is about cobain, stipe said that alot

Courtney Love – Mono Lyrics 20 years ago
in the music video, she destroys a rap video set, to me its kinda speaking out to rap, and saying shes better than it, and i hate rap and this song kinda seems like shes saying rock is better, which i totally agree with

50 Cent – In Da Club Lyrics 20 years ago
man im dreaming of the day when some rock band just breaks out and brings rock back again, like nirvana did in 1991, when they smashed michal jackson. That will be a good time, cuz rap is just annoying, its the same exact beat over and over again, rock actually has a different chorus and verse, and you should listen to techno if you want good beats

Nirvana – Milk It Lyrics 20 years ago
Milk it is to me, one of the most under-rated nirvana song, i love it so much

Nirvana – You Know You're Right Lyrics 20 years ago
has anyone realized that this song kinda sounds like an "ending" song, like it was supposed to be the last. maybe it just sounds that way because it is the last one, but kurt didnt commit suicide, just listen to these lyrics he said he has never been so swell, because in early 1994 a docotr finnaly diagnosed his stomach problem and treated it. Also in an interview from early 1994 that i have kurt talks about how excited he is to make the next record which he said was going to be so different than there early stuuf, to me you know your right actually sounds pretty different than bleach, nevermind, and in utero. Everyone talked about how happy kurt was when his stomach got treated, why would he go kill himself then. and the note was a note saying he was retiring, its kinda obvious, thats my 2 cents

Nirvana – Marigold Lyrics 20 years ago
i think kurt did play drums on this song

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