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Mandy Moore – Cry Lyrics 20 years ago
It was late in september
And I've seen you before (and you were)
You were always the cold one
But i was never that sure
You were all by yourself
Staring at a dark gray sky
I was changed

The guy she's talking about is the rebel/asshole type, who's always kind of a smartass and emotionally detached. The kind of guy who's the way he is because he's had a hard life. That kind of thing. But the lines, i've seen you before, you were always the cold one, but i was never sure you were all by yourself, shows she had an impression that he was just a bastard, so she never got to know him, but when she saw him crying by himself, she realized he was harboring painful emotions and memories. The tone, and the next line suggests that he is in love with her, but wouldn't ever tell anyone. "That forever was in your eyes" probably means although he doesn't seem the type, deep inside, he really loves her and would always be there for her if given the chance. The line "I was changed" just means that it was at that point that she say him for what he really was, and that her first impression was wrong. Possibly even that she has feelings for him as well.

In places no one would find
All your feelings so deep inside (deep inside)
It was then that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry

Basically, the lyrics are pretty self explanatory with a little thought. The trick is, take it absolutely literally first, then start to abstract it little by little until you get the meaning. Don't start abstract and then start going more literal, or you'll end up just making it mean what you want it to mean, and you'll miss the point.

All in all, this song is mediocre at best. Mandy Moore, as do all of today's pop stars, has a so-so voice, but a very nice body which seems to be more important. (hell, i wouldn't want to watch an ugly girl who sings damn well in a music video)

This positive role model, good christian girl, goody goody thing only serves to prove that Mandy Moore is in fact a Nazi.

Bon Voyage...
was something that I once said,
And eventually regretted,
But it's come up again.
And I wonder if the same mistakes
I used to make could be remade
Cause I've been through this before
I've said that too...
There's just so much that we can fake,
before we break ourselves into

Twenty two.
The years can hardly catch up,
for the years of playing catch up.
Must there always be a catch?

What you really want is just ahead,
just over that hill.
But the more I learn, the less I try...
To climb.
The more we change,
the more we wish we'd stay the same,
the more we try to fake ourselves into beliefs
that the grass must be green somewhere.

Twenty two.
The years can hardly catch up,
for the years of playing catch up.
Must there always be a catch?

Dynamite Hack – Boys In The Hood Lyrics 20 years ago
This song is purely for shits and giggles. The guy said himself in an interview "I was just coming up with some guitar lines, and I usually sing whatever lyrics are in my head to get the timing down. (whatever his name is) walked in while I was playing the song and singing the lyrics to boys in the hood to it, and he said thats awesome, we have to put that on the album" and thats how it happened. There is no deeper meaning, not "i'm poking fun at the seriousness of rap and urban culture", there is no "breaking down stereotypes" nor "cultivating stereotypes". Its just soley to get a laugh.

To all you who got all serious about it, you should kill yourselves. It is people like you who made the Holocaust, Hiroshima, the potato famine, and Home Alone I, II, and III possible.

Garbage – The World Is Not Enough Lyrics 20 years ago
I know how to hurt,
I know how to kill
I know what to show
and what to conceal

it starts out describing someone who is basically in "survival mode". You dont' let anyone close, you show what you need to to get what you want, you hurt when you need to, kill when you have to (not literally, its symbolism)

But then it goes into "No one ever died from wanting too much, the world is not enough, but it is a perfect place to start, my love" So the song shifts to symbolize finding love and taking a risk (ie. getting hurt). Kind of describes the feeling of first falling in love, where you feel powerful and alive and that you can do anything. The rest of the song just describes living like there's no tomorrow, that kind of thing.

I feel sick, i feel scared, i feel ready, yet unprepared

describes the feeling of doing something new or risky. Butterflies, anxious, yet excited and resolute.

"the world is not enough, but it is such a perfect place to start, my love. together we can take the world apart, my love." As in, I would give up this world for you, but even that wouldn't equal my love for you. So yeah, basically about new love, and the excitement and fear and strength you get from it.

Garbage – Drive You Home Lyrics 20 years ago
Some people react to guilt for wronging someone they care about by getting angry at that person. Almost like they resent that person for making them feel bad for their actions. It happens when you have low self esteem, and can't understand why anyone would care about you, or that you'd be deserving of affection. So when someone like that gets into a relationship with someone who is actually a good caring partner, the person with said low self esteem will always have a nagging doubt that the people who care about him/her have some alterior motive or have made a mistake and will realize how "bad" of a person they are. Thats what she's describing in this song. A person (herself) who is grateful for her husband for staying by her even though she is often detached and doubtful and even spiteful. She's saying that she's sorry, but she really does care, even though it doesn't seem like it. She's describing a fight with the chorus, that she initiated and probably didn't have a right to start. Basically, the theme is, I'm not perfect, and I'm sorry for not always giving you what you deserve, and I'm grateful.

If you couldn't figure that out, you shouldn't be allowed to leave your house without a helmet on.

Garbage – #1 Crush Lyrics 20 years ago
the song is obsession to the point of insanity. not quite a love theme. "you will believe in me, and i can never be ignored." thats not love. the old saying, if you love it let it go? cheesy but its got a grain of truth to it. although most of the lyrics are "i will do anything for you", the tone behind that, and the end of each chorus just shows kind of an insane selfishness. That's not love, thats a "passive aggressive, you owe me because I would do anything for you, and I will kill myself if you don't love me" type deal.

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