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Bon Jovi – Bed Of Roses Lyrics 22 years ago
My sister told me that at his concert, he said this was his most autobiographical song. Most know he is married to his high school sweetheart, but at one point he was heavily involved in the 'rock star lifestyle' which includes heavy drinking, drugs, and sleeping around. I would say it's safe to assume that he means that although he was partying it up and sleeping around, his heart was always with his wife. It is a romantic song, but bittersweet because of the cheating and betrayel that underlines the message

Elton John – I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues Lyrics 22 years ago
**I meant long distance relationship** :)

Elton John – This Train Don't Stop There Anymore Lyrics 22 years ago
This is a terribly sad, frustrated, and melancholy song. The author has been hurt so badly that he is just numb. Bernie Taupin has written hundreds of amazing songs that we all adore, and he's saying that those songs are nothing, he never really knew love or what he was talking about. He has been burned so badly that he hurts so deeply that he's broken down. The train analogy is brilliantly creative

Elton John – I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues Lyrics 22 years ago
This song seems to be about a long term relationship. Anyone who has been there knows how challenging they can be, and they often leave you in pain from missing the person so badly. But the time away can be good for self growth (while i'm away, dust out the demons inside) And when the lyricist returns, they'll be back together and better than ever. It's hopeful about the future and how much better they will be, but sad about the current pain they feel that distance brings

Elton John – Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me Lyrics 22 years ago
I think this is about ending a romantic relationship, but not being able to handle losing the friendship aspect of it. "I'd just allow a fragment of your life (the romantic aspect) to wander free, but losing everything (the friendship) is like the sun going down on me" It seems as though the other party is breaking up with the lyricist, and he can't handle losing everything all at once. He needs to hold on to some part of the person

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