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Morrissey – Glamorous Glue Lyrics 1 year ago
Glamorous Glue's signature is defiance, complimented by an insistent drive. The defiance is individualistic, inasmuch as it is lonesome and speaks of a kind of brokenness, but it involves wider social commentary, acknowledging a sort of collective guilt: We look to Los Angeles, We won't vote Conservative, etc.

The song would appear to advocate for some sort of nationalistic social change, but the whole business is a (naturally, for Morrissey) depressing post mortem: London is Dead, and it may be a further waste of time to care too much, or for that matter be too much in love.

Still, though, there is defiance, and really, since the time of the Battle of Britain, this is England's defining characteristic. So, it is a sort of melancholy swam-song anthem, wrought from anger, heartbreak, and cultural dissolution.

Or, it might simply be about sniffing glue.

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