Joni Mitchell – Woodstock Lyrics | 5 years ago |
@[audioslave48195:31053] I don't really want to go back to my childhood... But if I had a time capsule, I WOULD go back and catch that ride to Woodstock that I declined so many years ago. |
Joni Mitchell – Woodstock Lyrics | 5 years ago |
@[chelseamorning:31052] In 12 years the biggest demonstration will happen on this Planet: The First Woman's March. And it will be world wide. |
Joni Mitchell – Woodstock Lyrics | 5 years ago |
@[britbach:31051] You posted this 12 years ago. I looked up these words to be inspired today myself.(I grew up in the 60s-70s) I didn't go to Woodstock. (One of my few regrets in my life... I could have) But I went to something more important. The March on Washington. We didn't think it made a difference in ending the Vietnam War, but apparently it did. When documents were revealed about the end of the war, the demonstrators and lowering public support for the war did play a huge factor. That demonstration, which had about 1 million in attendance in Washington DC also made it into my children's history books in this century. Since your comment/post, in 2007, protests are not "rare" anymore! The largest protest of the planet happened at the first Woman's March in 2016. It was world wide! Los Angeles had 700K in attendance. Since then there are many demonstrations each year. They DO make a difference. People have FINALLY stood up for their beliefs again. |
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