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Swans – Her Lyrics 4 years ago
From a 1996 interview with SlowThrills:

Q: “Have you always had a fascination for tape loops and found sound? I remember on ‘Love of Life’ there was this teenage girl talking about forming a band.”

A: “That’s Jarboe! We found that from the same source where we got some of these tapes. Her father was an FBI agent and he was in the habit of tapping phones, and his family home was constantly monitored because his informants would be calling in occasionally, and whether as by-product or intent, he recorded Jarboe’s girlhood conversations with her friends and she found them all in his desk after he died.”

Slint – Carol Lyrics 4 years ago
Each song on Tweez is named after a band member’s parent, and “Carol” is no exception, taking its name from guitarist/vocalist Brian McMahan’s mother.

Tool – Undertow Lyrics 4 years ago
@[fifteenfathomsdown:30815] I'd reply but I wonder if you are alive in the first place now !

Tool – Eulogy Lyrics 4 years ago
@[Slowboat:30801] looool awesome.

Sonic Youth – Total Trash Lyrics 5 years ago
@[BottleJuice:29575] hahahaha

Sonic Youth – 'Cross the Breeze Lyrics 5 years ago
@[glitcHead:29574] hahaha, great man!!

Butthole Surfers – Goofy's Concern Lyrics 5 years ago
@[Alieno:29177] I disagree about the "sexual obsession". I like to see this sort of raw-butthole-romance beneath it all.

Roxy Music – For Your Pleasure Lyrics 5 years ago
It looks like some sort of poetic way for the band to take leave from the listener, as being this the last song on the album.

An ending with a last present attached to it, a sort of philosophical message that would help us getting more relieved when it comes to dealing with today's problems: "In the morning -- Things you worried about last night -- Will seem lighter".

No real clue, just shooting in the dark.

Nirvana – Radio Friendly Unit Shifter Lyrics 5 years ago
@[trevor:28739] you're damn right bro.

Marilyn Manson – Fuck Frankie Lyrics 5 years ago
@[sie506:28715] Any reference?

Hüsker Dü – Never Talking To You Again Lyrics 5 years ago
@[blankets_stare:28712] Grant wrote this, not Bob, dude!

Hüsker Dü – I'll Never Forget You Lyrics 5 years ago
@[PinkFloydrulez:28579] I personally don't see Dü music in general, "teen music". Yes, it is punk-rock, but God this is song is pure genuine rage, it is so catartic, you can take profit of it well beyond your 20s too.

A Perfect Circle – Get the Lead Out Lyrics 5 years ago
"Get the lead out" is a way of saying: Hurry up!

The whole song is clearly about time and (to me) how society is driving us to making a bad use of it: rushing for everything.

"Ain't got time for that"

"No time to cuddle you"

I believe Billy here is trying to make us stop and think about slowing down a bit. There is always no damn time.

PS Do you observe people swiping down their Facebook wall sometimes in the train or metro? God they go fast: do they really read something? XD

A Perfect Circle – TalkTalk Lyrics 5 years ago
@[joel110783:28203] I believe more than a man here is Church in its entirety. The whole album is targeting BIG: Society, Government, Church, etc.

A Perfect Circle – Eat the Elephant Lyrics 5 years ago
@[Sibuna:28201] I believe the Elephant here is the Republican party. !

A Perfect Circle – Eat the Elephant Lyrics 5 years ago
@[Sibuna:28202] I believe the Elephant here is the Republican party. !

Mark Lanegan – Wedding Dress Lyrics 5 years ago
@[MaddAddams:28079] Do you mean this one?

The Germs – Media Blitz Lyrics 5 years ago
@[punkpirate:27981] I can't get it :_(

The White Stripes – Apple Blossom Lyrics 5 years ago
I don't believe this is a ROMANTIC song as some here say.

I see it more of an ironic view on some fairly common relationships' "topos", where you have the moaning little girl who is taken care of by the man who (needs to) sort the problems for her.

The irony shows up clearly in the very final verses.

I see it as actually (hopefully!) a critic by Jack White to this "legacy" man/woman stereotype, which is (hopefully!) moving on towards some more egalitarian balance (mostly somewhere near the Scandinavian peninsula, not much anywhere else :D )

Featured in "The Hateful Eight" 8th Tarantino's movie: stunning effect on the scene, check it out !

The White Stripes – Apple Blossom Lyrics 5 years ago
@[thehivesfan:27890] I really disagree on this :D

Swans – Her Lyrics 5 years ago
@[MistahBungle:27474] Broken link! <:(

Nine Inch Nails – Gave Up Lyrics 5 years ago
@[trinity22:27453] HAHAHAHAHA... sorry man but that is ironic (FOUR hours loop XD)

Nine Inch Nails – The Big Come Down Lyrics 5 years ago
@[Lodair:27049] No citing of this in the wiki (anymore?)

Nine Inch Nails – Gave Up Lyrics 5 years ago
@[chrisguitarnofx:26756] Are all your 100K comments useful as this one? <:(

The God Machine – Out Lyrics 6 years ago
@[Cracked:23444] Pleasures I support the metaphoric interpretation. !

The God Machine – She Said Lyrics 6 years ago
"Happiness is a choice"?

It seems like this girl is complaining because she got chewed up and spit out, used by the narrator in a recent relationship.

He replies it's not his fault, because he never asked her for anything.
He's telling her to try to just be happy, it's up to her if she wants to bleed for this unsatisfactory not fully-corresponded relationship or to just move on.

Swans – Reeling the Liars In Lyrics 6 years ago
From a 2012 interview with Gira [1]:

Q: One song I particularly enjoyed in its demo version was "Reeling the Liars In." Can you tell me about the vivid imagery in that song, or what inspired it?

A: [Laughs] I think that was written at the tail end of the infamous Bush era and I started with him in mind in particular. [I was] thinking about having to burn him and his cohorts in a pile. I was simultaneously reading a book about the Third Reich and that imagery came to mind. I also inverted that imagery on the narrator as well, since he is also subject to scrutiny.


Swans – You Fucking People Make Me Sick Lyrics 6 years ago
@[mlsrez:22657] Broken link:

Dead Can Dance – Advent Lyrics 6 years ago
I imagine a couple in bed at night, before going to sleep, (s)he is thinking about how badly things are becoming for them.

Self-renovation of their lives together and the celebration of their love has completely got forgotten through the years, and is now irreparably left behind, replaced by storms (of s**t :D).

Eventually, (s)he just tries to wash away all these bad feelings inside, and tries to put some hope in the fresh new energy that a new day can give to you ("dawn will easy our troubled minds"), so just says to the partner to turn on his/her side now, time to sleep.

"Dream of days to come" sounds like: dreams of nice days of love together we might have, but it leaves some bitter flavour in my mouth, like that there is no hope that those dreams could become true never anymore. They've gone through too many storms (of s**t), it's hard to heal that.

The Breeders – Huffer Lyrics 6 years ago
@[thorneyT:21882] From my point of view this is a more literal complaining about working HARD, the physical toll of it.
No ties with sentimental relationships here, but just the toils of her life (constant touring, recording, whatsoever).

Kim left the Pixies when "went from just all fun to work" [1], so it makes sense to me that Kim ended up writing such a song (though not talking about her Pixies time of course!).

I think she's just exhausted from her life style, she wants it bad though, so she must steal the fuel from her body!


The Birthday Party – Sonny's Burning Lyrics 6 years ago
@[pumkinhed:21536] I added it (you can edit the lyrics if you want!). I read that in any case that sentence is really not related to the lyrics: it was just a funny thing to say that (I think) Rowland convinced Nick to say, just for fun!

The Birthday Party – Big-Jesus-Trash-Can Lyrics 6 years ago
I read in the Bad Seed biography book (by Ian Johnston) this song is about Elvis Presley, like a delirious warped vision of a drunk Elvis ... "Wears a suit of Gold (got greasy hair), but God gave me sex appeal".

As far as I remember, Nick was heavily interested in the figure of Elvis.

Ace of Base – All That She Wants Lyrics 7 years ago
@[Heliamphora:14734] HAHA, same here !! lool
And now reading through the lyrics, the hunter and the fox stuff... thinking "Man she wants that little baby so hard..."

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