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The Velvet Underground – I'm Waiting for the Man Lyrics 11 years ago
StarvingSound: That doesn't automatically mean they're black. They aren't the only ones who used the term "white boy." Knowing NY at the time and the demographics of the neighborhood he's talking about, he was most likely referring to Puerto Ricans. Fully look at the context before making assumptions like that.

The Velvet Underground – I'm Waiting for the Man Lyrics 11 years ago
I've always wondered why the chosen price is 26 dollars for the 'sweet taste.' Unless it's supposed to elude to the fact that you're so desperate, you've scrounged up whatever money you could, and you're just hoping The Man will sell you 26 dollars worth (when he's likely broken it up into ten dollar increments. Something tells me a discount on 30 is out of the question.) I don't think it's a rhyming issue since it's mid-sentence, although the number twenty-six does have a nice ring to it.
Anyway, great song by a great band. Lou was one of the great poets of our time, and hopefully he will be remembered as such. His works spoke to a group of people who weren't often acknowledged in pop culture, or they introduced you to a new group of characters and scenarios you wouldn't have encountered otherwise. Either way, his stories are worth hearing again and again. Also, John Cale's solo work is absolutely amazing and I recommend checking them out if you're a VU fan and haven't heard them yet. ("Paris 1919", for starters...)

The Velvet Underground – I'm Waiting for the Man Lyrics 11 years ago
At other live performances he said it's "a nice little song about copping drugs on a New York subway." It wouldn't be the first time Lou's described drug use as love (It's my life and it's my wife.) From feeling sick, to feeling so good. "Until tomorrow, but that's just some other time." is very much the mindset that comes with opiates. I'm good *right now* - I'll let Future Me worry about when I run out of sh*t tomorrow. That's the vicious circle.
Look at it from the love/sex angle: Do you feel "sick and dirty" if you go a day without sex? Upon having sex, do you immediately begin to worry about how you'll get your sex tomorrow? Probably not.

Just wanna add, the line at the beginning of the Max's concert "You're allowed to dance, in case you didn't know" is one of my favorites.

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