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U2 – Invisible (RED) Lyrics 10 years ago
Bono is singing about himself. The first verse I'm a bit unclear on.

"It's like the room just cleared of smoke" seems, to me, a reference to a moment of clarity Bono had about his life and his future (desire to become a front man for a rock band) but the next part:

"I didn't even want the heart you broke
It's yours to keep, you just might need one"

I want to say this is a reference to his relationship with his father but I don't know.

The next part:

"I finally found my real name
I won't be me, when you see me again
No I won't be my father's son"

This is Bono talking about leaving home to make it as a rock musician. He's saying I finally figured out what I want to do with me life (he stopped being Paul Hewson and became Bono, rock star and activist). When he returns he will not be the same person how left ("I won't be me, when you see me again"). He's rejecting the notion that he's just going to perpetuate his father's life. In other words, I'm not going to be just like my dad and get a blue collar job and grind away and be just another invisible person.

The next part, the chorus:

"I'm more than you know
I'm more than you see here
I'm more than you let me be
I'm more than you know
A body in a soul
You don't see me but you will
I am not invisible"

I think the "you" in this chorus is himself. Bono talks about how rock music, to him, has always been an alarm clock waking him from his own indifference. This chorus is a defiant statement to himself that he's not invisible. He can make a difference.

We are all mostly invisible to the rest of the world. Aside from a few people very close to us, we are basically just scenery to other people. We get up, sit in traffic, spend the day at work, sit in traffic again, maybe do some shopping, see a movie, watch a little TV but if that's all we do, for the most part, we're invisible. We have to consciously choose to stop being invisible by taking action.

This, I think, is supported by the next part (which you can barely make out in the song and is frequently misquoted):

"I'm leaving the invisible world"

The next part:

"I don't dream, not as such"

This, in my opinion, is clearly Bono referring to himself. Bono has talked about this many times in interviews. He has talked about how he's not into dreaming. He's into doing. That's at the heart of his activism.


"I don't even think about you that much
Unless I start to think at all
Of those frozen days
And your frozen ways
They melt away
Your face like snow"

Again, he's talking about himself. He's saying I don't even think about Paul Hewson, the guy who was invisible because he wasn't out there making a difference ("those frozen days and your frozen ways"), frozen = indifferent/apathetic.

fun. – Some Nights Lyrics 11 years ago
Yeah, pretty much agree 100%.

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